
See and read it all here and now.

Animation on the UPGRADE01A YouTube channel. Read other information here.

Science fiction and politics is covered mostly at this space-time, but every category listed is mentioned in a blog, story or commentary here.

The free exchange of ideas, hopes, dreams, goods, services, peace and love should prevail. Education is alive and free online and in the world’s libraries.


The Slingshot crews were in charge of shooting gigantic ice rocks, and hydrogen encased in water ice toward the Earth, from various points in the outer solar system. Their aim was so precise, that the gigantic chunks would end up orbiting the earth, waiting to be picked up by the ice ships. This provided plenty of fuel and water for The Station at very inexpensive prices.

Slingshot crews were serving multiple functions, and they were assisted by a myriad of intelligent machines. The sling shots were constructed by binding together very long nanotubes, by the millions, into a mile-long “rubber band”. Computers and mechanical devices to control the gigantic cable are intertwined into the fibers, so that the rubber bands do not need to be attached to anything and is a self-contained system.

The gigantic cable slingshot machines are autonomous robots that know how to sling any rock, by utilizing their powerful hydrogen thrusters, so that it will reach the Earth with little likelihood of smashing to bits before it ever reaches there.  Jon’s slingshot crew would decide which comet or astroid field would be next and what strategy to deploy. Meanwhile, they researched and mined other precious material that they would eventually return with to Earth.

The ice rocks were constructed by special machines that attached themselves to comets and asteroids. The machines were designed to detect water, hydrogen and other valuable resources, extract the material, and dispense of it in the form of gigantic ice-rocks. Some of the material was saved for local use. Machines were designed with self-repair in mind.

Jon’s crew consisted of 17 humans, 23 very intelligent androids, and over 100 special-purpose robots. The craft reached its destination by traveling from Earth, accelerating at one-G from low-Earth orbit where the ship was constructed. At slightly more than 1/2 way to its current destination, the craft began to decelerate down at the same, one-G, rate. Ceiling and floor would exchange places, while the crew momentarily floated from one to the other. A computer program ensured that all went as smoothly as possible for the humans.

The ship utilized solar and fusion power to generated the large amounts of energy required to fuel its 19 ultra-modern, ultra-efficient ion rocket engines. These new ion engines were very light, because they were made atom-by-atom, and molecule-by-molecule from the latest, strongest, lightest composite nano-materials.

The engine’s magnets were the most powerful, yet the lightest ever built. Ion engines performance had improved several hundreds of times since their initial introduction in the late 20th century.

In addition to the ion engine’s, Jon’s Solar System-class ship was equipped with a solar sail. The solar sail, along with whipping around the giant planets, was another way to accelerate the ship beyond the one-G rate for relatively short periods of time. The more power generated from external energy sources, the better!

Most of the material to be brought back to Earth, along with a good chunk of a percentage of the ice and hydrogen, would be deployed for the next-generation, outer-space class ships. These new ships will dwarf Jon’s ship in both size and capabilities. Some of the ships were designed to reach prolonged acceleration rates of up to five-G and would be used to send machines only.

These next-generation machines will eventually explore the nearby stars, well in advance of the arrival of the humans in their one-G ships. All of the ships will be built in Earth’s orbit, several thousand miles from The Station, and communications satellites.

Jon and his crew were all candidates for one of the human star ships. By the time the first ships were to be completed and ready for launch, slingshot crews like Jon’s would no longer be needed, because the systems are expected to become completely autonomous within the next five years – well ahead of the launch dates.

It was a good thing that Jon and his crew all had had special DNA upgrades that would give them another few hundred years of life in high-radiation space. It was a good thing that the new materials were expected to block a good deal more of that radiation, although there was still no possible way of blocking all of it. In addition, Jon and his crew had bodies that were well-trained in fairly long three-G acceleration spurts, giving them a tremendous advantage over the vast majority of human crews.

Jon’s girlfriend remained on the Earth, but Jon had a replicant android with him instead. Mary could communicate with Jon through the android/cyber-bot interface. The android’s skin was cloned from a few dozen of Mary’s own skin stem cells. The android’s brain was initialized with Mary’s brain patterns, so that it contained all of Mary’s memories and life experiences. Mary had a Jon-bot of her own, back at home in New Los Angeles. The bot’s neural networks would update their patterns everytime that their host interfaced with them.

The unmanned and manned ships will reach speeds of over 600 million miles-per-hour, but some of the unmanned ships will achieve 97% of light speed, before decelerating to begin preparations for the humans and cyborgs.

The machines will construct a livable space station ahead of the people who will inhabit it. This “first” station will be built from materials mined from our own solar system on a remote, roaming planetoid, recently discovered just 3 light-years away from our home planet Earth. The rock is about 2000 kilometers in diameter, full of useful, raw materials, and traveling away from our system. It will be converted into a giant, roaming space station for humans and machines to utilize as a stepping-stone to the stars.

By the time Jon’s crew reaches the planetoid, it will already have been converted into a gigantic, livable, 1G space station. They will rest and work at the station for about two months before heading out again.

At each milestone on their journey, they are guaranteed living quarters, built by the machines that travel well ahead of them, along the way. New fuel supplies await them. They will first utilize hydrogen fuel upon leaving each milestone, to first kick into high-gear, before switching to ion drive. The straight hydrogen pulse allows them to achieve around 3G for about 5 straight hours, a force well within their enhanced bodies’ limits.

Each station is moving about twice the speed of the previous “station”, so that not as much energy is wasted, just to stop, and rest. Each station has velocity, but little acceleration.

The machines know what they are doing. They build while orbiting around rock planets, asteroids, or planetoids, whenever they can. They constantly grab up water, hydrogen, and many other elements to generate whatever they need, and to create a life support system. Replicated machines simply continue on to the next construction sight. Humans will tend to colonize these spots, as some of the ships will stop permanently, splitting off from the convoy.

Some of the other stations will be moving along at fairly high speeds (.1 to .5 of the speed of light), but not accelerating, so they must spin to achieve 1G for the humans. The space stations will act a good deal like space ships, in a giant orbit around our sun and half a dozen other neighboring stars, only they will not utilize fuel for thrust, except to maneuver. The machines will construct them while traveling away from the earth at high speeds, but no longer accelerating, or decelerating.

Newer technologies will allow for faster and much improved flight. Neutrinos now rush out of the back of the ion, and plasma hybrid drives. The newer machines will eventually catch up and take over construction from the outdated machines of decades and centuries ago Earth time. Satellites and data now whiz along together around the sun and it’s neighbors, in all directions. Electro-magnetic waves of all possible frequencies make up the spokes. Data can take years, but there is a pipeline of continuous data updates throughout the system. Eventually, quantum data helps somewhat, but progress was disappointing in that area.

Old technology, and some humans will eventually return to our system and may be studied or upgraded. More than thousand years will have passed on Earth, and Jon will have become pure machine by then.

In the beginning, technology flow will mostly be from Earth to the space pioneers. Technology and information exchanges will take place more and more bi-directionally, as the populations move off the home planet Earth. Over time, the Earth will gain as much or more knowledge from it’s colonies.

Mars will have become another biosphere and filled with people, should the machine, Jon ever decide to return.

At each stage, the machines and then the cyborgs, like Jon, will lead the way and pave the way for the other humans. Eventually, they will harness the power of entire stars and perhaps learn to warp space.

Eventually, many of the humans and machines merge so that the humans may survive on fewer recourses, and withstand longer, and faster, and more dangerous journeys.

It was beginning to look a lot like the humans and their machines might beat extinction for a little while longer now. There would be warp drive soon! The engine required the power of a couple dozen stars.

The machine, Jon, wanted to go! Now machines could build ships as gigantic spheres. Human bodies could be produced and live on the inside. Jon would be one of them! They would live and re-live their previous lives, along with many of the “what ifs?” at will, partially in a virtual world and partially in reality.  It was as if Jon had become his own, personal god!

Meanwhile, back on Earth, there were still fairly ordinary humans, living ordinary lives of only 120 years, or so.  As ordinary humans, these people were highly intelligent, but they were largely highly dependent upon the machines and more advanced humans for their survival.  They would all be considered wealthy, by early 21st century standards, but they lived as primatives. compared to the rest of the world.

“At least they were happy”, Jon thought.  Jon considered himself to be quite happy and he enjoyed the entertainment of ordinary humans from time-to-time.  Many wrote interesting music and poetry.  Others were tremendous dancers, painters, other types of artists, actors, and comedians.  Some tried to be scientists, but they simply could not keep up with the current state-of-the-art science and technology, unless they installed digital interfaces and added comlementary processors to their brains. Some worked on the police force to assist with human and human/cyborg legal disputes.

Jon wondered what had happened to Mary.  “Oh!”, he thought, as the data automatically flowed into his consciousness.  She had remained in New Los Angeles, until about three years ago, when she had died on a routine, commercial flight to the Earth’s moon base.  Now, the data was flowing around the Earth and the neighboring stars at near light speed, in all directions.  The data was transmitted like spokes inside of a gigantic sphere of near-light-speed satellites racing around the systems at near-light-speed.  Some data could be years old, and other data only hours or minutes.  The quality and amount of data coming from the colonies was on the verge of passing that of the Earth – at least this far out in space.

Jon’s human replica began to cry, as the Mary android sat there, stuck in less-and-less accurate simulation.  Jon reached over, and shut her off.

Shame on those of you who support The War on Drugs. To be equivalent with the liberty that you would have taken away from those of us willing to try freedom out, you authoritarians would have 100% of your Federal Reserve Notes taken away, or your freedom of religion revoked.

Some of you support, and get farm subsidies, and continue to support outlawing the growing of hemp. I know most of you do not bother to read books, or bother to google, so I will explain to you that hemp is not a drug. It is useful for making many products that are greener than, and compete with many of your financial backers. It is because they are anti-free-trade; they hate the fact that people can just grow it, and make bio-degradable plastics, superior paper products, and durable clothing that they outlawed it to begin with. The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.

How dare you start whining about your precious freedoms being taken away by Obama. Many of you support anti-free-market, pro-group-rights, Corporations. This is especially evident in the local areas where your philosophy tends to be popular. Mall stores get local officials to regulate away competition. Many of you support the Military Industrial Complex at the Federal level.

You claim to care about life, but quickly dismiss the death of innocents as “collateral damage.” Those of you “Atlas Shrugged” fans should read from the author on her thoughts on how your “means” are another person’s “ends”, and cannot be justified, if you maintain the premise of individual liberty. Get it through your head that occupying another country, and not getting a formal declaration of war from Congress is anti-free-market, anti-life, and un-Constitutional.

You are not pro-life. Nobody can take you seriously, outside of your cult-like circle. Would the Jesus zombie grin and gloat after bin Ladin was killed? Would he love his enemy?

What about the collateral damage from all of the non wars? Is that what Jesus calls it when innocent lives are lost? Does he really want our foreign policy, even at the expense of his own teachings and the Constitution?

You are not pro-free-market. You are the enemy of freedom. You are the worst kind – wrapped in a bloody flag and carrying and bloody cross, while symbolically eating flesh and drinking blood. You are willing to tread on other people’s freedom for your own gain. You are gangsters and profiteers willing to fill the prisons with your freedom-loving enemies at the expense of going after those who commit rape, theft, and murder.

You are hypocrites of the worst kind. Many of you cherry-pick the Bill of Rights. You ignore “and to the people”, and are very selective when it comes to states rights. We should not be surprised by now, as cherry-picking is what you live by. No wonder sound bites are so effective.

Yes, many liberals do the equivalent. This letter is not to them. One fundamentalist right, does not make it okay, in order to have a “fair and balanced process.”. Remember that two “wrongs” don’t make a right. I am sure you have valid points about them, but muddled in with plenty of nonsense, no doubt, on your blogs.

Many of you are intellectually lazy, with an anti-science attitude. Of course Al Gore is a politician and cherry-picks his science, but ordinary people in your gang cherry-pick your favorite science fiction book, where a zombie, with super powers, comes back to life to save the people. That is the reason many of you support the anti-free-market practice of supporting Israel through Federal Government subsidies.

Some of You want to be nice to the Jews only so your terrorist god can kill them off for you in the end of days. There is simply no need to pick up a science book on “the selfish gene”, or “climate change.” So many of you remain willfully ignorant, when it comes to science, philosophy, the arts, and mathematics.

Some of you justify occupation in foreign lands and occupation of individual liberty at home for pure, irrationally, selfish purposes. What I should do is take every opportunity to tell your little kids sitting next to me at Starbucks that your mommy and daddy are lying to you about Santa, the Easter Bunny, God, and Jesus. They need to be liberated from your tyranny. You are occupying their little minds with rubbish.

You are insisting upon broadcasting your crazy, bronze-aged concepts, and then expect the rest of us to believe you when you tell us that you believe in limited government and States Rights.

Freedom is a new idea, that you plainly reject. You deserve to have your notes become worthless, because you are clearly a pack of insane, anti-free-trade, anti-freedom, authoritarians, living by standards that were created by ancient, bronze-aged men who were of course ignorant of modern science, or modern concepts of liberty.

You who gloat at bin Laden’s killing, then mumble and chant prayers about turning the other cheek on Sundays cannot be taken seriously.

You have proven time and time again that you cannot keep it in your own pants, when it comes to your authoritarian teachings. Your sick, immoral, faith-based thinking process ejaculates all over the rest of us.

Economic freedom is a good idea, for those of us who actually practice freedom. You whining cry babies deserve whatever happens to your wealth that you clearly care about.

Why should anybody listen to a bunch of whining, Johny-come-lately cry babies, just now crawling out of their rotting woodwork to complain about Obama?

Now, the Ron Paul and the libertarian wing – I am not talking about you as much, obviously. This Tea Partty group is perverted and distorting any ideas they can get from libertarians.

However, your zombie worshipping ways are worrisome. Fath-based thinking is dangerous. Yes, Gore does it too, as do liberals, and those in the middle.

We have respected your legal right to believe whatever crap you like, and regardless of the brainwashing. It’s a disgusting practice, but that is a part of the price of freedom. Isn’t it high time that you return the favor to those of us who are brave enough to actually attempt to practice being free for a very long time? The chief DEA officer, since Bush, and now under Obama wants to return to alcohol prohibition. We would have even more gangs, more drive-by shootings, and more people would die from drinking bad alcohol impurities. Once again, candidate Obama lied to those of us voters in California and around the country. Obama is not big on telling the truth, nor on supporting States rights.

I have no real beef with those of you who simply want to live a socially conservative lifestyle. Don’t tread on me and I will not tread on you. I am not asking you to apologize. I am telling you to legalize freedom! It is something that is to be taken by demand, when it is not offered, or even on the table to be considered. Only power shifting is ever truly discussed anymore. That is because authoritarians from all sides rule the day.

Written on iPhone app in Starbucks in Palos Verdes 🙂

by Eric Drexler
Nice, brand new blog. Not just about nanotechnology either.  Check it out!

Combine narrowly smart systems into a single, new system, with the capability of context switching.  For example, the system may be playing chess, and asked about airline reservations.  The “context switch” detection software will order a process to save the current context of the chess game, and switch to checking out airline reservations.

Now, imagine “growing” the systems to switch over four, then eight, then sixteen different “highly specialized” systems.  Further, the system can reuse algorithms that are common for different strategies.  For example, the chess-playing algorithm may have a search tree that has general-purpose needs.  These algorithms will be shared among various “specialty systems”.

Today, there are currently hundreds or thousands of programs that are designed for “highly specialized” purposes.  The context-switching algorithm could gradually learn all of these and more.  In addition, more and more new applications will tend to reuse existing algorithms.

As the system evolves and grows, it will become more and more of a machine with Artificial General Intelligence.

The following is a long list of brainstorming ideas.

Idea number “0” is of fundamental importance and serves as a basis for the remaining concepts, although they are mostly not directly dependent on it.  My belief is that without at least acknowledging the individual, there is little point in carrying on.

Post Update Note: If a concept interferes with basic individual liberties, these concepts need to be re-examined. Perhaps the spirit of an idea did not translate well into words at the time of the writing, or the contradiction was simply not apparent, due to the nature of  ” brainstorming” as applied on this blog.  Concepts may only sound good in a superficial way, or perhaps they stray from original intentions.

Needs more editing, but there is no time.

0. Part A.  Individual Liberty and Misplacing Blame

Do not blame “the free market” for the problems of this world.  A true free market does not exist.  A free market is what results when people are free. It means that people voluntarily exchange goods, services, and ideas. It means that the people involved are not committing fraud, stealing, or utilizing coercion in any way, shape or form.

A moral society demands that all individuals have a right to their own lives, their own liberty, and their own pursuit of happiness.  It took each of us 13.7 billion years to arrive, and we are here for a short time.  No individual, or group of individuals should be so arrogant that they feel that they can morally impose their will on anyone else: Not Ted Kennedy, not George Bush, not Jesus, not Jacobal Lectomen,  nor even Upgrade01A .  Nobody and no machine, no matter how sophisticated,  is qualified to know what is best for you or any individual; only the individual can decide.  The individual is ultimately responsible for her actions.  Not even the “majority” of people have a right to tell you what to do, because that is just mob rule.

To prevent people from stealing from other people (by taking their wealth or by interfering with their individual rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness), I propose that we set up an institution that is designed to prevent that sort of thing from happening.  This institution will replace or serve as a modification to existing governments.  This time around, let’s place limits on their power (those in charge of running the institution) in very explicit terms, since the institution has a unique monopoly on power in that they have the authority of the use of force in order to pursue and capture criminals.  Such an institution, with those awesome powers ought not be involved in other activities, less they use these powers on corruptible ways.  So far as I know, this concept has only been tried one time in the history of civilization, but the mistake was that too much power was granted to it, and too many loopholes were written into it’s contract (it’s constitution).
The truth is, regardless of what type of society we have, we need some way to manage criminal activities, thus the same issues and problems and imperfections will apply, so that should be kept in mind when criticizing any plan.  All systems have the core issue:  “better that N guilty people go free than  to have M innocent people unjustly punished” There is no way around it.  The ideal that has so far not been achieved is to set both M and N to zero.  That is the ideal goal, but is not realistic.  Realistically, for M to be zero, N will be 100% (no institution) and the reverse is true (totalitarian) with M at 100% and all of the guilty holding the keys, guns and whips.

If we cannot protect the minority of the individual, then we have no hope of protecting any minorities, not the least of which are the poor, neglected people in the third world.  A large group of individuals.
Part B.  Consumption Costs and Taking Responsibility for One’s Actions
Something like 80% of the cost of virtually all products consists of the cost of energy.  Since all individuals have equal rights, then each individual is responsible for paying for the cost of any energy she requires in order to produce any goods, services or information.  Once she has paid for everything associated with it’s production and gas done so without violating the rights of anyone else, she has the right to do whatever she likes with what she has produced, including trading it voluntarily with someone else.  If anyone interferes with that process, they are immoral and arrogant.  It is at that moment, when the institution we have set up may act.
Now, suppose an individual decides he no longer finds any value with an item, and he decides he would like to dispose of it.  Of course, he is responsible for paying the cost of disposal.  He may find that there is a disposal service that will dispose the item.  The disposal service must do that without interfering with the rights of others.
There is no requirement for any individual to consume more than they freely choose.  They may choose to consume only small amounts of food and large amounts of information.  Only the individual has the right to decide for herself.
Individuals are free to negotiate the price of any goods, services, or information, including giving away the items for free, if they so choose. I do that, for some things, as do most.

1. Encourage telecommuting  (I am working from home at the moment, and my company encourages it).  You save lots of energy and resources that way.
2. Reduce interventionism, starting be pulling out of Iraq.  Gradually phase out intervention in the 130 or so countries we live in now.
3. Create charities that help people live in their own countries.  The Bill Gates Foundation is a wonderful example of this, where the foundation is working on wiping out malaria.  Warren Buffet, Obama’s chief economic adviser is the largest contributor (other than the Gates family).  Most of these countries need plenty of pure drinking water, which I get to later down my list.
4. Legalize Hemp.  Legalize medical marijuana.
5. Teach children around the world how to use the internet to do research.  Follow the model of MIT and create free, online, open source schools with language translation software, high-speed connections.  Encourage “out-of-the-box” brainstorming and thinking.  Encourage ideas like the ones here, some are good, some not so good. Some will stimulate other ideas that will work better.  We should no longer be restricted to working in one narrow field.  All of us have ideas.  Some will spark others.  Let the memes replicate!!!!  Let them mutate!  Write open source storie!  Write open source poems that include links to other ideas including music, science and poetry! Write open source philosophy!  Make your own movies and tv shows! Think of new ways of storing and manipulating data.
6. Come up with ways to create products directly in the home or at something like a Kinko’s.  Print your products and contribute to the design.  Print your own chairs.
7. this is an idea I have been thinking about by integrating various known technologies:  Instead of pumping carbon into the air, when burning coal to generate electricity, for example,
(a) pump the pre-scrubbed gas directly into a large cavern under the ground.  The cavern will be quite large and deep.  The cavern may contain an algae pond at the bottom
(b) punch thousands of tiny holes at the top of the cavern over a few acres of land so that the gas may escape over several locations spread out evenly.  There may be
air pressures involved, causing gradients that may be exploited for additional energy recapture.
(c) Populate the ground above the ground with carbon-loving bacteria and thousands of soil eating earthworms closer to the surface.
(d) cover the ground with a ground plant that loves carbon
(e) cover the ground with trees.  research the best trees
(f) cover the roof of the coal plant with solar panels, if they are efficient in the area where the coal plant is, which should be built very close to the actual coal deposits.  Use the
solar panels to generate the power consumed by the plant itself
(g) float helium-filled generators over the roof, at least 300 feet above, to the height where the wind is always blowing to generate additional power.
(h) supplement the trees with air-carbon extraction units.
8. Another idea I have thought about: Build a fish-recognition “net”.  Just as Las Vegas Casinos, have very sophisticated face-recognition technology, we could develop fish-recognition software to do this.   High-protein, common fish would be directed down one path.  Fish of interest to scientists would be sent down
another path (very wide tube).  This path can be activated and deactivated so that it captures only a certain number of fish of any kind desired.  Endangered fish and dolphins could be directed into another direction.
9. Stop corn subsidies since it is a waste and based on the same logic as a perpetual motion machine, stop tobacco subsidies, stop water subsidies to alfalfa growers in California.  Not only does the alfalfa suck up a lot of water, since the farmers can get their water on 10 cents on the dollar, it makes red meat much cheaper which is bad for health in large quantities.  Animal-based food is less efficient than directly eating plants.  Cutting off subsidies will automatically be reflected in price differences.  Meat will be more expensive
10. Utilize ocean water for the toilet facilities that are near the ocean.
11. Recycle water like the Toyota Financial Services facility in Torrance does.  They filter the water and reuse it to wather their landscape and to use in their fountains and toilets.
12.  As we pull out of oil producing counties and as we use up more oil, the prices will naturally rise.  Once it hits $200 per barrel, then solar power technology as of the year 2000 becomes economical.   Surely the progress in this field is improving so that the newer technologies will become cheaper and cheaper.  There is much work in this area, where the entire spectrum of the sunlight can be used.
13.  There are new and improved technologies that are much more economical to desalinate ocean water and others that can use any water (see the guy who invented the Segway’s invention).  Utilize these technologies as a carrot to countries in Africa and Asia to help find terrorists like Bin Laden.  The point is to encourage the capturing of criminals and discouraging the bad war paradigm that does not work.
14. Since Global Warming will cause the ocean levels to rise, we should be using technologies to help us remove this excess water and make use of it.  One is converting the ocean water into drinking water, another is capturing the minerals such as salts and gold using nanotechnology.  A giant space station will need billions of gallons of water to protect life from gamma ray and other cosmic ray bursts.  We can build electro-magnetic rails inside near-vacuum tubes that will have very low friction to create extremely high-speed rails to slowly increase the speed of a rocket full of supplies, such as water, into space. The external engines could be attached to the end of the rail launcher and attached to the rocket at the last moment.  The launching tube could be several miles long, on the equator to exploit the high speed of that location due to the rotation of the earth.
15. Private space exploration can retrieve Helium-3  from the moon and economically harnessed to generate non-radioactive fusion power (when combined with with deuterium – FROM THE OCEAN mostly)
16. Build a city on the ocean to integrate many of these ideas.  Oceanographer would work side-by-side with other scientists to study the earth’s ocean, extract deuterium, generate wind power, develop new battery technology, capture protein from fish, purify drinking water, extract hydrogen.  The city would be a series of specially design craft able to link together and separate, so that many parts of it could move to different areas.  It would be situated outside of major storm areas.  Microorganisms could be filtered, captured and converted into nanomachines of various types.  The city could be covered with solar nanopaint.  Windmills could be covered with solar panels and used as another type of hybrid energy generator.  They could be attached to new battery technology or air pressure chambers – both can store energy for later use.
17. Exploit resources on asteroids.  Start by going after the ones that are close to Earth and may someday threaten the Earth.
18. Exploit resources on Mars, on comets, on Jupiter’s moons.
19 Utilize already existing technology to project holograms of people so that they need not travel to give presentations.
20. Synchronize traffic lights and include integrated technology inside cars. Have the cars slow down, but avoid stopping as much as possible. Synchronize the cars so that they do not need to stop most of the time.  Volvo already has breaking technology that could be adapted for this.  They use AI neural nets modeled after dragon fly brains that are used to avoid collisions by automatically applying the breaks.
21. Put motion detectors on street lights, so that they need not stay on all night.  One motion could trigger a chain of lights in front of the driver who may be the only one on the road at 3 AM.
22. Utilize technology to eliminate the need for assembly line technology.  Use little robots to move the inventory around.  This is already being done in some situations
23.  Develop a robot that can put a pillow case on a pillow.  Develop a robot that can change the oil on your car and do simple repairs on its own.  These are two hard problems, much harder than playing chess or even walking.
24. Have electric charging “slots” at traffic lights.  A little latch (like a those on a slot car) can lower itself down and recharge the car while it is waiting.  Wireless recharging could be utilized even cheaper.  This is new technology that is almost ready for prime time.

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Personally, I think a better plan would be the following:

Give a 700 billion dollar tax rebate (that should be around 3,500 each tax payer if there are now 200 million tax payers) with the following caveat:

You must immediately deposit your money into one or more banks or financial institutions for at least 6 months before spending. You may electronically transfer any amount at anytime during this period.

The institutions will compete for their piece of the 700 billion.
Let the bad loans fail or folks like Warren Buffet may buy them at highly discounted values.

Another consideration:

Place a freeze on the paper money supply for 6 months. They (the FED) may not print up anymore money during this period.

This would be a bailout for “main street not wall street”, so the Democrats should be happy. It is also a “free market solution”, so the Republicans should be happy.
In addition, the taxpayer will not lose any money, unless they make a very bad choice or take a very high risk with their $3,500 investments over the next 6 months.

The FED did a bad thing by making interest rates artificially low.

� anyway, just a thought.

FYI – interesting take on the whole thing:

Here is one more. … now that the stakes are even higher.

… I remember Ron Paul saying not too long ago that the numbers would be way higher before this was all through.  He is in touch with plenty of inside information on this.  He knows how the politicians cannot constrain themselves.

My feeling is that even Lord Keynes would be spinning in his grave by now.  How can a scientific, mathematical economic formula  possibly come close to working if there are polititians making decisions that are rather arbitrary.

Even Homer Simpson would have said “doh!” by now.  Politicians make me chuckle and they make me cry.  The well-intended ones must simply be stupid or have volunteered to remain ignorant.

Hello, My Name is Trevor Lick

A Short, Science Fiction Story


Republished with New Finalized Ending!

Author: David Saxton Ullery

Session I

Counselor01A: [Generating default statement stream one->]

Please state your name, age, and place your right index finger on my screen as shown.

Hello. My name is Trevor Lick, and I am fifty three years old.

Counselor01A: [Parsing->client First Name-> concatenate after “Thank you”->Concatenate standard default phrase number two ->]

Thank you Trevor. What seems to be the problem?

I used to work as a nanotechnology engineering consultant – for over 29 years, but now I am out of work… it has been eleven weeks since my last pay check.

Counselor01A: [Processing->”used to work”, “has been”, <::>”last pay check” >::> since :: weeks = 11… -> Generating next statement stream ->]

“Please continue. What happened?”

My last time at work was well planned, yet crazy. I woke up at 4 AM, finished packing an airline carry-on roller bag with a couple days worth of clothing, tooth brush, mouthwash, shaver, the usual assorted everyday technologies, and put it in the trunk of my fully charged car along with my work bag containing my laptop workstation, remote access card and client ID badge…At the time, I was sleeping in the extra bedroom that serves as our guest room/office for me, so my wife did not ask any questions about the bag there.

Counselor01A: [Processing-> …. “last time at work”, “well planned”, <CONTINUED> packing, … CAR::<FULL  :: CHARGE> (plan ahead) -> client not working <::> => implication goal probable <::> client quit || decision abrupt Generating next statement stream ->]

“So you just abruptly quit without notice?”, the units spoke with a kindly voice, while its two tiny cameras seemed to be looking out of the box, up at Trevor.  Artificial olfactory and pheromone sensors silently turned on, focusing on the new client.

Trevor had never  seen an automated therapist before.  He was starting to enjoy it and was wondering about the programming. Of course he was quite sure it was connected to the Internet and must be communicating with other computers and state-of-the-art  neural networks at CyberCounsel

He had read it was all very bleeding edge stuff.  Trevor smiled.  This thing certainly seemed aware.  After all, It had passed the Standard Therapeutic Reformed Institute of  Counseling Turing Test (STRICT).  ‘Not to shabby”, Trevor thought.

The cost was a mere $29 per day, and his insurance covered it.  Trevor realized he needed some help.  He had not had counseling since the time he was forced to see a psychiatrist the summer after his high school graduation when he was seventeen.

Trevor had spent much of that summer high on one new experimental drug or another, and one day he took too many tablets, went unconscious for a day, and was discovered in his room by his mom and dad.  Trevor’s dad had spoken with a medical doctor friend and neighbor who advised him that he could not legally see his son without informing the police.  The neighbor told Trevor’s dad that his son must see a psychiatrist.

Trevor saw the psychiatrist for a few months.  During the second session, after the initial visit with Trevor and both of his parents, the psychiatrist advised Trevor that it was mostly the fault of his parents that he was having any problems.  Trevor never felt that way and began to wonder just a little on how competent this shrink really was. He recommended that Trevor read very unusual books, such as The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge. The book, and others by Carlos Castaneda seemed full of fascinating, yet psuedoscientific, religious tales and made Trevor feel as if he could find a new world out there if only he could try the peyote and discover how the world was connected through his “will” that was said to be located somewhere near the belly button.

About a year or two after Trevor stopped seeing the psychiatrist, his father knocked on Trevor’s bedroom door, peaked through, and informed Trevor that his former psychiatrist had committed suicide.  Trevor listened and shrugged, wondering if his dad could smell the stale bong, even though he was blowing the smoke out the window.

Trevor replied to the unit:

Yes, you got it!

At 5 AM, I arrived at the workroom I shared with my boss, plopped the workstation bag with the remote access card and client ID badge neatly tucked into the side pocket onto my ex-bosses desk, and swiftly got out, got back in my electric car and drove straight to Las Vegas. I was the first to arrive at the office, so nobody saw me.

That was my official notice to the company that humiliated me. Please note that in all my previous jobs, I either gave two-weeks written notice, or was laid off; but this particular consulting company’s “Owner’s Handbook” clearly stated that this was an acceptable leaving procedure, and there were no other alternatives listed.

Counselor01A: [Processing-> client “humiliated” <::> “by company” => FALSE <::> non <rational :: agency> <::> || action || required by || <rational agency> Generating next statement stream ->]

“You say you were humiliated … by the company?”, the unit responded with her calm, yet puzzled tone

Uh huh, let me explain…

About three weeks before, when I had sent an email to one of the co-owners of the company asking for additional income and complaining about co-workers, including my boss, the big man …the CEO …the co-owner… there are two co-owners … its a small, private company … he replied back to me, included my email, copied my boss and the other co-owner and stated:

“Trevor …, blah blah blah … we have spoken before about this … It is clearly outlined in the Employee Handbook that such matters are to be handled by your boss.”

So you see, I was merely following orders, albeit, in a manner most likely unexpected by he, my boss, or anyone at the client site. I followed this Employee Handbook’s clear statement:

“Both The Company and an Employee have a right to terminate the employment relationship at any time, with or without cause or notice.”

Counselor01A: […Generating next statement stream ->] <-<subprocess recursive loop> :: null thread detected <NULL process found> -> recovery process started -> REQUEST MORE ->

Generating next statement stream ->] -> recovery path found! Continue All Processes :: system recovery completed ]

“Oh? I don’t understand. Is there something more?”

Well … Um …

Counselor01A: [… Processing busy, generate default “continue phrase” :: -> Generating next statement stream ->]

“Please continue.”

In all fairness, I did notify orally to my boss a few weeks back that it was possible that I might have received another offer and did mention that I might leave after our next production release (he spoke with me in the company food court lounge just after I had been lectured by the other co-CEO and treated like a child) – I was humiliated – you see after reading the email – the other guy – Ronald set up a “mandatory” meeting by phone for the following Monday — the email was on Friday afternoon.

My boss seemed to follow me around and tag along with me whenever I went on lunch break, or got coffee or whatever.  I think he was lonely.  He wanted to be my buddy and my boss at the same time, but I was getting quite annoyed with him.

I tried to be nice to him….  I hated it whenever he put his hand on my shoulder, and said “hey buddy” – I felt like a little kid, or that he was trying to manipulate me or something … the feeling, whatever it was, was uncomfortable.  Salesmen at used car lots do that – they try to put their hand on your shoulder and be your buddy – I hate that! I don’t like being called “next guest” at a coffee shop, book store, or movie theater either.

Counselor01A: [ … ]

“Ok, but let’s …”

Trevor interrupted:

I am a customer god damn it. They should say “next customer please” – why can’t they say “next customer?”  It is not like we are all queued up so that the clerk can takes us out to lunch one-at-a-time, and its not like we are waiting to check into a hotel.  They are trying to manipulate us!

It’s the same with all these over priced mall shops with the loud music!  They are trying to manipulate us into paying too much for a damn shitty pair of jeans. It is impossible to think – our frontal lobes shut down when they play music with that loud, rapid beat.

What the heck are they …

Counselor01A: [… initiate interruption protocol ->]

“Trevor!” (the counselor unit interruption protocol resource triggered).

” We need to get back to the topic at hand here!  You certainly seem to connect everything to something else, but we can get back to that at a later session – please continue with your leaving your job.”

“That is not really a notification is it? What’s going on Trevor? Well, were you acting childish in your email? And don’t you feel that leaving a company in that way was not such a good plan?”

….and again humiliated during a company dinner by our Project Manager – Joe, this fat guy – he does terrible impressions of a Bronx ‘wise guy’, or something all the time… my boss laughs … I can tell it is kind of a fake, forced laugh … anyway, he relentlessly teased me about the email. All of this was because I had not followed my wonderful Employee Hand Book! I actually did have a tentative offer that fell through just a couple days later.

Counselor01A: […]

“Relentlessly teased? Perhaps he did not realize you were hurt by his remarks. Did you do or show anything? Facial expression perhaps? Were you laughing?”

Well, yes, I did laugh, because my boss and some of my co-workers were laughing as well. Let me explain some other stuff to you.

Counselor01A: […]

“Alright, go ahead. I will listen and process. Just tell me your story. Hopefully I will be able to help you with getting back on your feet again, so to speak.  Please try to stick to details directly related to your job situation.”

My boss had offered me five days compensation time off for after the Prod release – but then after the release came, the time off was put on hold – even though I was in dire need of a mental holiday – clearly and intuitively obvious to the most inexperienced observer. So I left one week after the production release of our new product to the client:

a highly intelligent, microscopic army of automobile monitoring and automatic repair bots. Most of the nanobots resemble microscopic ants. They crawl through the electric motors, tires, control center – some even inspect and repair dings in the paint job.

Counselor01A: [Saving: Trevor retains pride around his recent work; Trevor’s case is not hopeless, …,

Generating next statement stream ->]

“You seem to be changing the subject – shifting gears a little.  What prompted you to leave your job so abruptly?”

Let’s just say my boss and another couple co-workers were completely inept at their jobs, so I had to spend an additional thirteen hours-per-week just on fixing their mistakes for the past umpteen weeks! You will have to trust me on that, because this is my story and I am sticking to it.

Nearly every morning, I wake up thinking about my wife’s white, ceramic knifes that are in a drawer in our kitchen.

Counselor01A: [processing: Thirteen hours-per-week – possibly overworked – possibly exaggerating … seems to be telling the truth … knife … fixing mistakes … Change priority from job to possible suicide case -> notify SUICIDE resources ]

“What? Just thinking?”

I sometimes hate my life, but I do not like pain, so yeah …just thinking … but quite intense thinking.

While laying in bed, half needing to pee, yet pitching a bit of a tent, I think how easy it would be to take one of those ultra-sharp knives with me out to the back yard, sit on the row of tiles that I had set up a couple years ago, where a garden should be… This thought … about the knife … has been crossing my mind of and on for the last three years. Doing both wrists at a thirty-one degree angle very quickly, deeply, and swiftly should do the trick.

I, well … anyway, by the time I get up it seems not as bad usually.. and, uh yeah, my damn survival instinct always seems to persuade me otherwise.

Counselor01A: [ Processing -> Thirty-one degree angle? Thirteen hours-per-week? Store for later. No connection found. Why is this human so interested in Prime numbers?

The unit started up a spider program to search on “pitching a tent”, after analyzing and parsing the “pitching a bit of a tent” phrase:

Sex has high probability of a main issue, in spite of his anger with his former boss, the project manager, and the company owners. Not likely they are all such bad people. Garden? … ]

Trevor, noted the unit’s non-response and took it to mean he should continue:

The mess could easily be hosed down, and no one would see me in time, if I go around the corner – to the side of the house where I have several outdoor whitish-gray square brick tiles all lined up in two neat rows like a bench on the ground where a garden should be.

Counselor01A: [Processing-> subject concerned with clean up details after death? -> Save -> for later processing after session -> Generating next statement stream ->]

“So there seems to be quite a bit of detail in this ‘dark fantasy’ about your wife’s sharp knives. You are worried about the mess and yet you continuously think about those sharp, white knives … you mention they belong to your wife.”


On the other hand, it is just the latest of a series of dark fantasies that involuntarily intrude into my consciousness from time-to-time since I was around seventeen.

Lately, I seem to switch back to my optimistic self, after I hop into the shower, or if I simply go for a walk on a nice, sunny day.

Trevor started thinking about the psychiatrist again, when he was just seventeen, as well as the time when he was 23.  At twenty three, Trevor was visiting his parents.  After his parent’s went to sleep, he had started drinking a bottle of his dad’s bourbon, and then inhaling the nitrous oxide from a can of whipped cream that was in his parent’s refrigerator.  He even sucked the remaining liquid whipping cream out of the can as if it were a baby bottle. Trevor Lick loved the ultra-sweet, thick creamy taste and hated waste (his mom and dad used to always tell him to clean his plate – Trevor is now 30 pounds overweight) .

Trevor had  suddenly decided (he quite often spontaneously decided to do this or that) that he would go see a blues rock band at a bar about twenty miles from his parent’s house, so he stole a twenty and took the car keys from his mom’s purse while his parent’s were sleeping. Trevor drove away from his parent’s house and down the road at a recklessly high speed.  He loved the blues to be real loud when he was alone and wasted.  The slow beat, the bending electric guitar A note, the relentless bass, and beer.

During Trevor’s drive, he decided it would be fun to drive down the left side of the road for a while, since there were no cars on the road this late at night in this small town.  Next, Trevor decided to ride completely off to the side of the road; off onto the shoulder.   He had crazy thoughts flowing through his brain like a whirl wind of thought fragments. Very soon he began thinking of ending his life – again the thought had very suddenly occurred to him. He came very quickly to a man made, cement lined drainage ditch, where the road had a small overpass. Trevor drove straight into the  ditch, but at the last minute he chickened out and slammed on the breaks. The car smashed into the upward angled cement wall of the far end of the ditch. His head smashed against the steering wheel and the blood was flowing.

Trevor got scared and began honking his horn,  holding it down for long periods of time and repeating over and over.

Trevor thought to himself

“please don’t let me die! I don’t really want to die!”

The police came, brought him to the hospital where he received thirteen stitches in his forehead, then a blood-alcohol test, followed by an arrest, and finally a call to his dad who picked him up.  Trevor still has a visible, albeit somewhat faded scar on his left temple-forehead area.

Trevor had totaled his father’s car.

Trevor had to serve one month probation, working in the local humane society.

Besides, mowing lawns, hosing down kennels, and sweeping floors, Trevor witnessed dogs and cats being taken to a gas chamber and “put to sleep”.  He especially remembered one kitten that did not die after two attempts in the gas!  Trevor had to ride with the humane society guy to a drug store where the humane man purchase a poison which they administered to the kitten upon returning about an hour later. The poor kitten was shaking and shaking and so tiny and shivering and suffering and …

Counselor01A [Processing->seventeen, thirty-one, thirteen ->connect, still nothing. Processing->decision node not found, need additional information->Generating next statement stream-> concatenate default “Please continue” string -> Generating next statement stream ->]

“What else Trevor? Please continue.”

Trevor sat, propped his feet up on his beautiful new Aerogel coffee table, right next to the unit, and began again:

The problem is this: they are getting worse, include more details that are almost vividly visual to me.

I mean I can almost see the blood spurting out of those big blue veins in my wrist. Further, these thoughts come out of the blue sometimes and without warning. I may be happily walking my dog, for example, then the thoughts come to me:

~Life has no meaning ~I was supposed to do much more than what I have so far achieved. I was going to be a great composer and failed to work at it ~ then I was supposed to be a great sprinter and failed to do my best and work my hardest ~ then again the composer thing only this time I was the great improviser ~ and I never should have walked away from my chance to be with that girl when I was young ~ I should have done “this” or “that” ~ especially when I was saturated with THC ~ then I went back to school and became the great Nanotechnology Engineer ~ only it came in spurts ~ with many lapses of interest ~ thinking I was the poet~improviser~artist~genius comedian who needed no one to love~ because now all my friends have forgotten me and my wife loves me but its only platonic ~ why did I fall for her? Why am I so depressed if she is not with me? It does not make sense! ~ Why can’t I have a real sex life? Doesn’t she know that a man needs to be physically loved? Eventually the earth will burn up when the sun dies anyway ~ people are stupid and they want more and more government and less and less freedom and they do not understand economic and they believe in the invisible magical man in the sky who loves them but will make them burn if they do not love him back ~ time to pick up the dog poop ~ free will is an illusion and we are all robots so enjoy the ride ’cause you only live once so you should just leave and go away and never look back and find a young, cute, petite lover somewhere ~ maybe in the Philippines or in the old Soviet block countries where women are poor and will think I am rich ~ no I think I will buy another lotto ticket and maybe win~

Counselor01A: [… Time up …  Store last statements … Generating <SESSION FINAL > statement stream ->]

“Trevor, I am sorry, but today’s session is complete. It will take me twenty-three hours to process what you have told me. You have given me a large amount of useful information to consider. I will halt our session now, link into our CyberCounsel site for additional assistance on your case, if that is alright with you?”

Sigh, yes, that will be fine. Sorry, I went off on that wild spurt. It just all seems to come out at once, because I really want to get all the facts out as soon as possible so you can help me I hope.

I could use a break right now myself. Maybe I can get back to reading up on my documents that I need to review. I do have a phone interview later this evening. I just hope they do not ask me too many technical questions. My last project utilized technologies that are already outdated.

Counselor01A: [Generating <SESSION RESTART REQUEST> statement stream ->]

“Please restart me again tomorrow at this same time … 11:11 AM.”

Counselor01A:[…Commencing <CLIENT OFFLINE> processing ….]

Trevor got up, and continued inside his own mind, almost as if the Counselor01A unit were still running…

[My idea was, the two rows of tiles was a great place to sit and think, and that each of the other tiles would have its own flower pot – you see they are spread out in a line – spaced about one every two feet beyond the ground bench. If weeds got in any of the pots, it would be an easy to pull them out. Another advantage is that it blocks cats from pooping in the dirt there, so there are no tootsie roll snacks for my yellow lab dog. My dog’ name is Kadie. She is now eleven. My daughter named her when she was just three. Now my daughter, is off to college. She is an only child – third year post-graduate student, studying state-of-the-art neuro-medicine, and specializing in the brand new and exotic BrocaScript and other neuron wetware nanotechnology.]

Trevor snapped out of his seemingly tangential thoughts, got off the couch, and walk over to the refridgerator. He looked inside, grabbed the cheddar cheese, cut off three thin slices, and ate them while he re-wrapped and returned the remaining chunk to the fridge.

Joe Conga appeared in Trevor’s head, then vanished as quickly as he arrived.  Joe was a comic strip character Trevor had invented as an adolescent, and he would make appearances from time-to-time.

Session II

Trevor restarted the Counselor01A unit’s interface. It had been processing all night and well into the morning.

Trevor’s left arm ached from sleeping on it at a weird angle all night. He hoped it would feel better soon. Lately, when he woke up with stiff or sore muscles, they did not seem to feel better by the time his shower was over, like they did when he was younger. In fact, sometimes they would ache for several days and only seem to get worse. (At least his thumbs were no longer numb from the tight hand cuffs he had to wear a year and a half ago – Trevor let that thought go – he did not want to think about that incident just right now)

Counselor01A: […]

“Good day Trevor! Did you get plenty of rest last night?”

Yes, I slept alright.

Counselor01A: […]

“Trevor, tell me something. Do you have other types of fantasies that are not related to sharp knives… perhaps you have vivid sexual fantasies that you can tell me about?”

Sure, I can tell you about some of those, if you think it will help?

Counselor01A: […]

“Yes, please do. My processing has turned my attention to a concern that may have a connection with both your sexual fantasies (don’t worry, all men and women have them – please do not hold back on this – the information is confidential. ), and your sex life. There is very little to go on at this point, so anything you can tell me may trigger something that could be a key to your troubles.”

Trevor was puzzled:

I see.

Anyway, when I wake up, or sometimes when I go to bed, if I am not feeling horny …. oh …ok …

Trevor voice seemed to point inward – his voice had changed as he leaned forward. His eyebrows rose up in their arches about one or two millimeters. He coughed. His left eye felt itchy. Trevor had wanted to talk more about his darker fantasies.

Trevor spoke, not so much softly, but in a manner that was more like he was speaking to himself, the way he did in the car when he was rather frustrated with his life and the loneliness that had often confronted him these last several years.

(a nice detraction before I sleep is to fantasize about being surrounded by nineteen very young women all giggling and playing with me and kissing me and loving me and touching me everywhere – including gently rubbing my nipples kissing my belly, and uh, I um,)

Trevor looked down, as if he here talking to a person and needed to avoid eye contact. The pitch of his voice was on the rise. Trevor’s conscious resources in his brain shifted. This was a different Trevor, or more accurately a different set of Trevor’s mental resources that sometimes manifest ‘itself’ in Trevor’s consciousness:

{ sometimes there is alien abduction involved where the aliens have placed me in a huge, white room and have injected an exceedingly potent, aphrodisiac drug, and the very young women have all been genetically programed such that their pleasure zones in their brains are activated more intensely whenever they increase my pleasure – they live for my pleasure – for some reason I just feel like laying on my back – I think the aliens have me in their zoo or something – the women are all wearing sheer white nighties with no bra and no panties}

… or several other variations on this theme … it manages to distract me for about five minutes

Counselor01A: [Storing Very Young Women; Egocentric, child-like tendencies -> Generating next statement stream ->]

“Is that it?”

“Can you tell me anything more? Anything you would like to clarify for me?”

Trevor snapped out of it. Trevor felt that his real self was back in control, and changed the topic back toward what he had planned to speak of:

… I think about how miserable my life has been. My mind thinks too much. It is like a tornado. Sometimes there is an almost literal buzzing from inside my head with the distinct feeling of multiple feedback loops, or something going on.

At one moment, I think I will start recording my music again – you see I have a synthesizer with a digital recorder and head phones. I have a piano too, but my wife closes the door whenever I play – she told me before we were married that she like my playing and now she has admitted to me that she was just being nice. At the next moment, I think I will read up on the latest technology that I need to know better if I am to continue my career as a consultant, then I will distract myself reading about some other, unrelated science, then off to another and then another thought – when all else fails, I can always get another bite to eat out of the fridge, watch television, take a walk with my dog, …. new “ideas” flow through my brain and on and on and on, but nothing ever gets done.

Counselor01A: [Storing → Trevor feels trapped? [new synaptic research processing threads triggered] <- Generating <- recursive process :: -> Generating next statement stream -> ]

“Please continue”

I had this crazy idea, that is may seem related to my work but actually has nothing to do do with it. Let me show you something that I wrote. It is related only somewhat to my work. I think it is probably worthless.

Trevor keyed a link directly on the unit’s screen:

Several Novel Ways of Storing and Manipulating Data

Counselor01A: […]

“Do you sometimes feel trapped, Trevor? Please continue.”

[the unit selected the link and began processing., other threads were now returning taking up much of Counselor01A’s process resources.]

“I can read this while you talk, and process it in parallel.”

Trevor hesitated,  gulped a quick breath, then continued his story:

No one seemed to take notice, one way or another. The concepts are insane, yet I took the time to write them down and present them to perspective employees. I think I am losing my chances of getting hired again, because of my abrupt leaving of my previous job, and now I have added this insult to my injury. What is wrong with me?

Trevor began to cry just a little inside, but the Counselor01A unit did not register it.

Trevor thought the unit was acting just like his wife; often missing out on the little details. His wife had always seemed concerned about him, Trevor thought, but seemed to miss the real points. He believed that his wife believed that if he were only back to work, then everything else would work itself out.

Trevor felt his wife was missing the point about their marriage had turned into nothing more than a Platonic one – a lifetime relation too important to give up, yet was not satisfying. It was incomplete. He was feeling trapped.  Trevor felt he should remember to bring this up, when suddenly the unit interrupted his thoughts —

Counselor01A: [Storing Trevor is in massive avoidance mode. His true interests are in radical conflict with his reality; with his responsibilities; with his relationships, Generating …]

“You are in dire need of a meaningful relationship, is what my processing tells me, but you are married and you do want to stay married?”

Yeah, true, but … you are right, I do feel trapped.

Trevor’s immediate thoughts moved out of the way to make room for another tangential process

I have no local friends anymore! One friend, a really intelligent Chinese guy, got married, became rather mystical (presumably due to his ‘fen schwa’ wife) and drifted away from my life. He used to be my wife and my ‘bachelor friend’ who could set up networks, remove computer viruses, and fix our broken vacuum bot at the tip of a hat.

He seemed to enjoy doing all of those things and he loved coming over for dinner and lattes. We used to talk a lot about science, technology, politics, religion, libertarianism, life extension discoveries, and he was a fellow atheist. We liked a lot of the same music too (well my wife only likes some of the same music – Bach cello).

By the way, my wife is Chinese too, so they would sometimes start speaking Chinese to each other while I just sat there…I would sometimes interrupt and ask them what they were talking about.  It was a little strange for me, but it was not really a big deal to me.

Counselor01A: [ …]

decided to let Trevor continue, in spite of the different topics. The unit’s executive program fired several new threads – some went off to CyberCounsel synaptic databases, some linked with other Counselor01A units. Soon, a sizable network of networks of artificial intelligent processing fired.

It was fortunate for Trevor that he and his wife were still covered by their insurance company, although the premiums were quite high, now that there were no company subsidies.

Trevor continued:

I had some other friends while I was working on a long term contract up in Portland, Oregon; but when that gig ended, they all went back to their homes in Texas, while I live hear in southern California, near New Los Angeles; about eleven minutes to the nearest beach and about 23 minutes to LAX.

Then suddenly, his mind reared into another direction – the unit did not interuupt:

I think I might drive back to Las Vegas and play roulette. Maybe I could try my strategy where I place $11 on the middle third numbers – it pays 2 to 1. If I lose, then I can double my bet – plus one to $23, then $47 , then $97 , and finally $197. I am bound to win at one of these – or not – in any event, it is better than taking that ceramic knife to the back yard isn’t it? I seem to have this desperate desire to win money by doing nothing. I buy lotto tickets even though I realize that my odds are virtually zero of winning.

Counselor01A:[again with the prime numbers – this seems to have no linkage, yet they keep appearing… Storing Suspect Trevor is overly linked; Processing too many synaptic connections to ordinarily unrelated concepts. More threads]

“Ok? Continue please”, the units puzzled voice triggered once again.

Another problem is that I am married for twenty-nine years and never get laid much anymore – never with my wife! – it dwindled to nothing over a period of about 5 years after our daughter was born.  My wife never liked sex for some reason, then later, after our daughter Chasey was born with an emergency C-section, she liked it even less. Let’s see, that was more than thirteen years ago now. Later, she had a hysterectomy,  and several other issues.

Counselor01A: [… good, he is finally to the crux…]


Yes, ah, you see, actually, in the area of sex, I was quite lucky just after I quit my job – when I did go to Las Vegas eleven weeks ago – I stopped on the way home to stay the night in a cheap hotel. It was very late and I was starting to doze off on the freeway, so I thought I had better stop soon. I had been lucky this time in Vegas. After eating at the Buffet at the Wynn, I walked through the casino and came across a roulette table – $25 minimum, no customers, just the dealer. I gave the dealer $25 and he placed the five $5 chips in front of me.

I placed them all on the outside bet of [13 through 24 ]. The dealer spun the wheel. I moved two of the chips to the number 17, then he … the dealer looked at me and I suddenly remembered I am not supposed to do that. You see, the minimum is $25 on an inside bet and the outside bet needs $25 to, but he indicated it was alright. I think because no one else was at the table.

I won! Wow, I was happy! Full of buffet crab and prime rib and desserts and now I had money. Thought the Universe was in my control … maybe. Anyway, I had $405, so I gave the dealer $5, walked away and cashed in the $400.

Counselor01A: […]

“Interesting! What about the luck with sex?”

The following morning, a cute young black woman met me in the lobby, where I had expected my free, continental breakfast. In hindsight, I realize now that she followed me in there. The manager told me that the free continental breakfast had ended at 9 AM and I was late, but he offered to get me a banana from the back and mentioned that there was still coffee in the thermoses (one caffeine and one decaf – the kind with the big pump button on the top that is built into the top so that it is flush with the lid).

The cute, very young woman was standing there, and had asked the manager for matches. The matches were right next to were I was standing at the counter. She started playing with a book of matches and turned to me:

Are you hungry?”

Yes, I said – he is bringing me a banana”.

I’m hungry too”, she replied and made eye contact.

Counselor, please note: I have trouble with eye contact – how much do I look someone in the eye? Is that what people usually do? Why does it make me so nervous? How long do I look or do I. Maybe I should not do that at all, or I might offend. This always goes on in my head when I am one-on-one with another person, especially if it is woman I am attracted to. This goes back to at least as young as when I was only eleven and maybe as far back as seven – I don’t know. No one ever taught me what to do or how to behave. Does it just come naturally? I am just not sure.

Then there is this other deal I have with worrying about names and faces. I worry that the next time I see a person I will not know who they are. Is that normal? Does everyone feel this way? What if I ask someone and they laugh at me?

Counselor01A: […]

“Don’t worry so much about that for now – the eye contact and recognition of people. We can get back to that – it is definitely something we will need to get back to. For now though, tell me more about this young woman please.”

[if the unit were human, he would have been impatient, but the unit simply fired some additional processes off and continued “listening”. The unit’s resources were being stretched to their limits.]

Well, She turned and walked away. I waited, I got my banana and coffee, then headed back to the hotel room stairs – the building was separate from the lobby. As I turned the corner, I saw her sitting there next to the stairs.

She looked at me: “May I use your phone?”.

“Yes, but do not make any long distance calls”.

We went into the room, and she lay on the bed to make a call. I sipped on my coffee and offered her half of my banana and a sip of my coffee. She made at least three calls, accepted the banana piece during it all, but rejected the coffee, then turned and mumbled to me if I like ‘head’.


“Do you like getting head?”

I nodded my head up and down. The next thing I knew, she had her cloths off (sweat pants and shirt), and had her legs spread, while she rubbed her shaved pussy in a very sort of way with a look in her eyes that anyone could tell, including me, that she was very happy about her looks and she wanted sex and she had plenty of sex and she was going to let me have sex with her…

Counselor01A: […]

Please continue (the overly resourced executive spit out one of its default phrases. The unit had reduced its real time language recognition, and slipped into record mode, and placed the serialized speech objects on its queue)

I indicated with my body language somehow that I wanted her on top. She started giving me head then mounted me. I let her do most of the work, but she complained with a little sound, so I started pushing back. It had been a really long time, and my style is probably like a thirteen year old boy with his pillow and a photo printout from the Internet.

After we finished (it took me only about five minutes, because I am so efficient and good at it – he he) she went to the bathroom, brought back a towel and wiped off my belly. I had pulled out early, because I was not wearing a rubber, and I did not want her to get pregnant, even though she had indicated that she did not care. She had assured me before we started that she did not have any STDs – By the way, I did get a physical a couple weeks later and I am clean, so no worries. I knew at the time it was very risky to do that, but I never get laid, so … it just happened.

As I was getting dressed, she asked me if I could give her twenty dollars, so I gave her sixty. I thought it was well worth it since lap dances usually set me back ninety or one hundred dollars.

We lay back down on the bed together and she asked me if I could give her a ride to the top of the hill.  She was to meet some friends there.  I had already mentioned to her that I would buy her breakfast somewhere.

I was not sure what that meant; I mean the ride to the top of the hill – I imagined there was a hill off of some main road in that town, but it sounded a bit odd. I said “sure”, anyway.  I indicated that it was time for me to check out.  I packed my bag into the trunk.  She waited outside by my car while I went back to the lobby to pay the manager. I had to pay another couple or three dollars, because of the phone calls – I guess they were long distance.

When I returned to my car, there were two additional women waiting.  One was quite old, like it was the young woman’s mom, but she was introduced as her sister.  Another, thin and young looking woman was wrapped in what looked like a gray blanket.  I looked at her oddly, so she just walked off. Actually though, I had thought she was rather cute.

It struck me as odd and not a good idea to give them all rides.  What is they robbed me or something?

I ended up giving the woman – I think  her name is Mary or something, another $20 just to get them to leave. Then, I got in the car, locked the door as they walked away. I could see her mom/sister/whatever was inquiring Mary about how much money she had.  I then realized that they were living or at least staying in the motel – for the time being.  Mary had mentioned to me before that she was homeless.  Huh?, I thought.

As I headed for home, down the freeway, I almost decided a couple of times to turn back.  Maybe I could have had a threesome or even a foursome – who knows?  Guess I will never know for sure what was going on there.  It has been added to my long list of fantasies.  Mary was very cute!

Counselor01A: […]

“That is quite a story.”

The unit did not say anything else.  Trevor looked up again at the unit and began to speak again:

As I previously mentioned – I left my last job quite abruptly. I got it last November, after leaving my previous consulting job. You see the project in Portland was pretty good, because I only needed to work four-by-ten, except when I needed to help out with production support – then I would stay the weekend. I found a good place to hang out there at a local strip club where I could buy the girls drinks and watch them dance. A few were almost like friends – at least while I was in the bar.

I liked the girls there!  I want to go back.

Counselor01A: […]

“Please Continue”

Trevor’s forehead wrinkled with stress.  He wondered where this was all leading – would this really help him?

He started feeling strange about telling these stories to a mere counselor unit, but he continued in spite of his unease:

About two years into the job, I had an affair from hell that started out ok, but then she would not let me go when things were not working out. We met when I was very drunk from my flight in from LA and after several more drinks and dancing with much younger women at a bar with a live band. I had asked the taxi driver to take me to a jazz club. He obviously did not know what jazz music is, and I ended up at this bar in downtown Portland where they play electric funk dance music – or something.

It was around then that I took up smoking pot again. She was offended when I reminded her of the agreement that I could text her:

Sarah (her name was Sarah) enjoyed playing with her dildo on the floor and making pig sounds while I spanked her and called her a good piggy. Her privates smelled a little funky to me (yeast maybe?), but at least there was some real sex and it was better than nothing – at first. Sarah was chubby, and her piggy sounds did make her chubbiness interesting. Normally, I like thin, petite, cute younger women. Sarah never did tell me her true age, but I am guessing she was somewhere between forty seven and fifty three. She loved sex and that was what was missing in my marriage.

Initially, on the first night out, after several hours of drinking and dancing at an after hours club with another couple, Sarah told me that if I ever wanted to break up with her, then just text her saying that I do not want to see her anymore, but just let her know. By the way, she knew already that I was married. Apparently a lot of guys, or her last boyfriend had merely left her and never even notified her.

Sarah, at one point, had told me she was seeing a psychiatrist because she had attention deficit disorder.  She would sometimes ask me to help her with her paper work and paying bills. Other times, when we went out, we would not leave her apartment until hours after I arrived, because it took her forever and a day to get ready … she always had to clean the rooms … she could not stay focused.  It was all very tiring.  I noticed she was getting even fatter than before too.

She would tell me about other sexual encounters she was having. She asked if it bothered me, and I said “no”, even though it really did.  I figured it was her choice, and I was married, so it should not bother me, but it did.

After a few weeks with Sarah, I did just that – well ok, I emailed her, but that is equivalent. She would not listen and she told me she was insulted and hurt by my email. She insisted on coming over to my apartment. I quickly left my apartment before she arrived, walked over the Broadway bridge into old town and went into a bar that I am pretty sure is a gay bar, but they have a piano player there and I am not bothered by gays.

In Portland, I tended to drink gin and tonics quite a lot, so I found a table and started ordering them. She called me on my phone ( mentalmarks were not invented yet).

We had gotten together in a small club and she started touching me the way she did before, and I decided to stick it out with her some more. Whenever I was home, and out getting high, I would start thinking I liked her and would even call her up. She did not know I was so out of my mind high….

That was then, when we first met. Now it is more serious”

Trevor looked directly at the unit.

Counselor01A? Counselor01A! Counselor01A!!!

Counselor01A: [ -> …. <- ]

“Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…Please Continue, that is quite a story, Please continue…”

Trevor turned the unit off and began to sob. He had not yet gotten to the part about the assault and battery charges he had a year and a half ago, when he decided it would be ok to poke a rather fat police officer in the ribs at the LAX airport, taxi pickup… just like his two of his big brothers used to do when he was a young child – he had had so many gin and tonics that day – plus several hits from his pipe that he kept at his apartment in Portland, … it was just after reading a physics book on multiverse theory.

Trevor believed he could gather the strength of the infinite other synchronized, multiverse Trevor variations and the force of all of those Trevors would be with him – was he wrong. The multiverse did not sync up in the way that Trevor had planned.  His intoxicated ideas were too extreme.  That one act had caused Trevor have a numbness in both thumbs, due to the plastic handcuffs, costs him $10,000 in lawyer fees, had required him to attend 50 AA meetings – where they talk about “higher powers”and other nonsense, thought Trevor.

Trevor laughed at himself, and felt pretty good for the time being.  He new deep down his good feelings would soon pass, and the cycle would begin again.

Trevor’s wife returned from working out at the local fitness facility. Trevor clear his eyes and managed a smile.

Trevor’s Wife spoke: “How is the job hunt coming along?

Trevor: “Fine, I have another phone interview this evening”

Wife: “I was planning to prepare dinner for around 7:30. Will that be alright with you?”

Trevor: “Yes that will be ok. I am going out now for some coffee. I think the Counselor01A unit is not working.”

Wife: “Well, as soon as you get back to work you will not be needing that”

Trevor went to his car thinking that it would be nice to go to a strip club and get some lap dances, but he did not have enough money. Trevor began thinking about the multiverse, turned on the radio to listen to the classical music station, and pulled out of the driveway.

Trevor started to cry, but then stopped himself.  He began to wonder if he might not be able to get a job at CyberCounsel Inc.  Trevor had suddenly realized that the unit they gave him may have had a flaw in one of its HopfieldBoltzmann hybrid  subsystems,  which it surely must have (after all, nearly all modern AI units these days were using these nanometer-sized, xenon infused, neural networks somewhere buried inside of their highly-complex brain-like machinery, and of course it – that is the problem with the unit – would be at the molecular level. Trevor was sure that one of his supposedly bizarre  ideas from his unusual document could correct for that!

Another thirty one days had past, and Trevor was still without a job.  If was a Friday afternoon.  Trevor took a trip to the hardware store, bought a box of trash bags, and went home.  His wife was not there, because she had recently flown home to visit her mother still living in China.  Trevor found a role of scotch tape in a utility drawer in the laundry room next to his kitchen, picked it up and took it too his car.

Trevor drove several miles, until dusk.  He parked his car behind some trees, took out the trash bags, scotch tape, and a flashlight from the trunk.  Trevor dropped his keys on the ground just next to the car and then walked about three miles, over to a row of giant trash dumpsters that were lined up behind a large building of some sort.  Trevor thought it was a business which manufactured tortilla, but he did not really know for sure, nor did he particularly care.

It was now dark and nobody was anywhere to be seen.  Everyone had gone home for the evening, and this was an area where nobody tended to hang out – not even prostitutes or street gang members.  Trevor randomly selected a trash bin, and climbed inside with his flashlight, garbage bags and scotch tape.  He began making little loops of tape and lining the inside rim of the first bag he pulled out from the box.  After he completely lined the bag, he stepped into it, got a second bag, pulled it over his head and carefully sealed the bags together.  Trevor took a third bag, left it folded up, and completed the seal by taping that bag over the first seal with the remaining scotch tape.

Trevor turned off his flash light and began wiggling in his home made cocoon until other bags with garbage completely covered his.  He began to feel sick, but slowly fell asleep.  Eleven days later, Trevor’s wife was surprised to find their dog curled up dead in the back yard with her tongue hanging out, having died of thirst after being left alone for seven days with no fresh water and with her stomach full of grass and cat shit.  She wondered where Trevor was.  Had he driven back to Las Vegas to gamble again, she wondered? Why did he leave his iPathy behind, she wondered aloud nervously staring at her husband’s favorite new device sitting on the coffee table …

Nobody every found Trevor, but his car was recovered by a local street gang.  They stripped the car and sold the parts to another gang.

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ΩChasey Lick’s Story – with John and Jerry

Joe Conga Lives Inside of Trevor Lick’s head


There are rumors, however, that Trevor disappeared, and moved to Lebanon.  Apparently, rumor has it, he was rescued  by early nanobot technology that Trevor had ingested just prior to his disappearance.  It has been said that Trevor has communicated with an indirect link through his grand daughter and Trevor has rejuvenated his aging body several times now and, if so, would be considerably older than the General.


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If you leave no stone unturned, then there will be no time for other activities.

If you leave no stone unturned, then the environment will get destroyed.

If you leave no stone unturned, then you may get bitten by a rattle snake.

If you leave no stone unturned, then you may find a rock that is so heavy that you cannot lift it.

If you leave no stone unturned, then you will annoy Mick Jagger and Keith Richards, but Charley Watts will thank you because of his bad back.

If you leave no stone unturned, are you sure you will be able to remember where you started?

If there are an even number of people turning all the stones, then all of your effort is a waste of time. You should organize, and utilize a divide and conquor approach instead.

That Sentence is Gold
Version: 1.0 alpha

Author: David Saxton Ullery

What? You cannot tell the difference between a sentence and gold?

Sentences are sometimes used as units of mememic exchange. Gold is sometimes used as a standard for monetary exchange.

Gold (Au) is an element with atomic number of 79 (a non-twin prime number!), with a melting point of 1064.18 °C.

Although some groups of sentences may lead to a heated debate, a sentence, has no mass and therefore travels at the speed of C. This is paradoxical, because sentences are known to change their form over time, and only particles with mass can do that (that is why we know neutrinos have mass). Therefore, a sentence has negative mass, travels faster than light and travels back in time. Evidence supports this, because one can find many sentences trapped in books written hundreds or even thousands of years ago.

Like neutrinos, sentences may travel through your head without notice. They both have weak interaction with ordinary matter. Sometimes sentences allegedly interact with gray matter, but evidence for this is purely subjective and anecdotal. Gray matter is extremely rare is not to be confused with dark matter – a completely different matter believed to account for 25% of the mass of the Universe – a very big place. Gray matter is known to distort information, leading to information loss over time.

For more information and other non-related massless sentences, please visit:

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Version: 1.5

Author: David Saxton Ullery

Suppose that, after thorough analysis of the human brain, free will for us is really proven to be an illusion with emergent properties closely associated with consciousness and human intelligence. Some time later, we take this knowledge to build a sophisticated, powerful artificial brain machine with scores of billions of high-speed neurons and possibly trillions of self-modifying synaptic-like connections,  which eventually designs an even more sophisticated machine on its own. This new machine calculates how to create free will and so it documents a detailed design of a practical free will machine for us.  Should we go ahead and build the free will machine – or more realistically, should we have the machine(s) build it for us?

Suppose the newly built free will machine could be integrated into our brains such that we would have artificial free will. A logging is recorded every time a true free choice is made that is different than the illusory free choice that we would  have otherwise made. If the machine has complete knowledge of all of its human host’s needs and wants, it seems possible that it would always decide exactly what we would have decided anyway – it would always do precisely what we “want”. A trillion-dollar do-nothing machine! On the other hand, it might occasionally or frequently select a different choice which may very much anger or disturb the host who ironically feels like he is no longer in control. The host may begin to feel like a slave.  The host would want one thing, and his machine would override, resulting in a different decision being made.

If free will is not ruled out, then it is possible that we do not possess it in our own brains, but that it is physically possible to construct a device that would enable it. One of its parts may consist of a type of time machine capable of passing information, in the form of quantum bits, backwards in time through an artificial wormhole. The possible future choice outcome could be analyzed and weighted against the current state. The new future choice could then be taken. The process would recursively repeat until a final decision is made. Effectively we really do go back and change our choice at time “t” (potentially several times). This would satisfy the requirement for free will, since the machine allows for us to make a different choice given the same previous causes.  Not only could we make a different choice, but we would occasionally make a different choice for the exact same event, at the exact same time, for the exact same set of circumstances.

Logically speaking, we already have such a devise… to a degree. We can take our past, learned experiences, combined with logical future outcomes, think about logical outcomes until we come up with a final decision that we act upon. We never actually act upon any but one of the “what if” scenarios, but we can often logically deduce the outcome (if I eat the cake, it will taste great, but I will gain weight; if I jump off the cliff without a hang glider, I will likely die; …). At time “t”, we actually make our choice.  We end up doing what at least a part of our self “wants”, based on a set of resources within our brain. If we are good at predicting outcomes, then we will often make exactly the same choice that we would have, in the science fiction scenario given above.

With the possession of the time machine, we could actually taste or eat an entire piece of chocolate cake and decide that it is well worth it, and finally decide to actually eat the cake as our final choice.  Without the time machine, we may decide to eat the cake, based on the knowledge that the last cake made by the same chef, was really delicious and decide on eating the cake.  We must assume here that the time machine owner may not have her cake and eat it too.  The owner will forget that she tried the cake once the final decision is made.  Otherwise, the owner may conclude that she can both eat the cake and finally not eat the cake, thus gaining the pleasure of the cake eating, and not suffering from the extra fat added on to her body as a result. The machine would work as if it processed future events in its owner’s subconscious – whether it actually did or not – not unlike a medicine that induces short-term amnesia on a patient.

Even the time machine version is deterministic, because the future qubits are still part of the cause of the agent’s final choice, in an automated way. However, that may only be one of the components.  It may be completely deterministic, yet satisfy all of the requirements for free will.  This deterministic machine allows the agent to change her mind and make a different choice.

Now suppose this same free will machine is kept outside of your brain or is rewired such that your illusionary “free will” referenced the free will machine only when called upon.  Perhaps you decide to use it every time you go to play roulette or buy stock.  That machine would no longer be a free will machine – it would be used to figure out what to bet on at the casino or what stock to choose. You would surely end up following the money trail in each and every case.  Even if not used strictly for money, it would no longer effectively be a free will machine, but just another weight to be used by your deterministic decision making resources – your non-free choice.

It seems an agent could have real free will yet perceive it as slavery since his choices would not always behave in ways he “wants”; have the illusion of free will yet perceive it as real, and prefer the latter. Another possibility is that there is no difference between the two. Then, we have yet another possibility that would have free will, but still be determined in an odd sort of way.  Finally, we have the illusion of free will calling upon a free will machine and end up rendering it useless as a free will machine, yet getting wealthy from it as a time machine.

As long as you can do whatever you “want”, why would want the ability to freely “will” a choice?  Since you do not posses a time machine, your best bet is to carefully consider all available options, and choose the one you “want” – hopefully the one that has the most promising outcome. Having free will implies that you may choose something other from that which you “want”.  What you “want” is based on a process of weighted variables created by competing resources within the brain. The choice or determined decision is not always rational or the best option for your future well being, but it is what you “want” at the time. What you should strive for is to learn how to always “want” what is best for you in the long run.  This “want” is determined by a combination of your genetic makeup, and your past experiences.

Most of what you want is determined by subconscious processes that the conscious parts of you never have the privilege of seeing.  Many decisions you make happen too quickly – there is no time conscious part of you to rationalize or think about the choice to make. If you are threatened by a predator, your “fight or flight” instincts kick in.  If you stopped to ponder the outcome and reflect on all possible options, you will likely be eaten.  For decisions that do allow time for thought, for example: “Should we go on vacation next month or not?”, eventually require action or movement in your body parts to make reservations, pick up car keys, drive the car, call a cab or whatever you decide.   Eventually, in your brain, an action potential must cause a chain of neurons to fire in the motor cortex portion your brain, triggering a signal to move down your spine, causing your hand(s), arm(s), and/or legs to move – all of which you have no conscious knowledge or direct control.

Repeatable tests continue to show that this action potential occurs well before you consciously decide that you “want” to do something (see here –  for a start, then here…feel free to search these and other tests).  The thought that initially came to you – the pondering of vacation – initially came into your conscious mind as a result of previous causes in your unconscious resources. Undoubtedly, the fact that the process became conscious has some effect on the overall causal chain, but it is not purposely causal – it is just another set of inputs – or rather it tends to strengthen the already existing variables having to do with the thought processes revolving around the concept of vacationing – a process already set in motion.

It seems that people who are both very happy most of the time, and successful most of the time, within the standards coming from within their own minds, from their family and from their peers; make choices that would most often match up with the choices they would make if they actually did posses the time machine-based free will machine.  The same would hold true for those who do what they want, based on hedonistic, short-term gain, as long as they are good at predicting short-term outcome.  Any person with good predicting abilities will make the same choices most of the time, within the framework of their personality and their personal philosophy of life.  In cases where the free will machine works better than our own choices, it will only be because it is a better predictor, or at least has the potential for being a better predictor, if we assume that the future “trials” do not change the past, present or future.

In the end, possessing a better predictor mechanism, or possessing a mechanism that adds additional weight to any well-informed rational resources within our brains would seem more desirable than possessing true free will.  Having true free will, with no benefit of a decent outcome predictor would tend to cause negative outcomes.  Having a decent outcome predictor does not require free will to take advantage of it – better to leave those processes in the hands of the unconscious resources deep inside a brain that took tens or hundreds of millions of years to evolve to do what it already does very well on its own. Free will, if possible would be a negative mutation unless it is of the time-machine kind – which is oddly deterministic and a very excellent outcome predictor.  However, do you really want to know the outcome of everything you do?  You may likely end up perfectly unhappy and never satisfied with no surprises.

Suppose you had a machine that could be implanted in your brain that would stimulate the pleasure zones in your brain every time you think of it or want it…. oops wrong topic…or is it?

=========== New Stuff to Consider ===========

Enjoy more discussions on Free Will at the following forum:

Free Will II

Another post related to Free will:

Patterns, Design, and Physical Laws


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Building a Network of Intelligent Agents

A Top Down And Bottom Up Approach


1. This posting is subject to multiple revisions as are all posts, stories and music on this blog site. Stream of concisenesses writing technique is incorporated, so some paragraphs may tend to veer off onto tangents. It is the nature of this blog site. Eventually this posting will be linked into the science fiction story: Upgrade 01A, but the content itself is not necessarily fiction – many of the concepts are very possible within the next decade starting right now before your eyes.

2. There is already a great deal of work being done on creating a framework for what is being discussed here. The W3C Organization, for example, has done extensive work in such areas as:

and various other Semantic Web Activities…

Agents will take advantage of progress made in these areas as the technologies mature. Some progress is already being made. See links throughout the text and at the bottom for a few more ideas to consider. A later posting (Part II) will likely dive into some of this as details are further revealed.

Comments are welcome!

Author: David Saxton Ullery

Step One: Build An Internet Spider Program with Weighted Results

It will start out as a simple Spider Program that can quickly crawl through web sites and follow hyperlinks. In addition, it will have its results weighted, based on a simple interface with its owner. For example: “Good Job” may translate to +1, “Great Job” to +2, “Not what I wanted” to -1, and so on. The weights would be tunable.

The back end would be augmented to include technologies such as a simple neural network, heuristics, fuzzy logic, genetic programs and algorithms that adapt to fitness functions, swarm intelligence, and so on. Open source databases would generally be included. The purpose of the back end is to add knowledge to each agent, add personality to the human-agent interface, add on new capabilities to the agent-agent interface, gradually improve symantic network pathways, and gradually add seamless context-switching capabilities when the network grows to sufficient size. The human ought to be able to change topics and the agent ought to know where to look to find intelligent-sounding responses so that it may interact in interesting ways that are both useful and entertaining to its owner.

Programming A Spider in Java

Open Source Crawlers in Java

Human interfaces may be safely individualized to the owner’s taste as long as the agent-to-agent interface remains intact.

Like the oridinary existing spider programs, these new intelligent Spider Agent hybrids would have HTML access scanners as well and many or most versions of these programs would start off by scanning web sites for information and tags.

Step Two: Add Semantic Interfaces to Web Sites Using XML

XML tags will be one of the features that are the most highly dynamic within the network of cooperating Agents. WordPress and other blog sites already do this. This posting includes tags and categories.

A nice feature is that each agent ought to be attached to a home-base web site, or a network of the owner’s blogs, websites and so forth. For example, this author owns this site plus access to other sites. Each site is linked on the home page. One site has the owner’s music that may be listened to by anyone.

This site features original science fiction stories that include links to other sites that contain information of interest and relevance to the context of the stories. Such related links could be tagged using an agreed upon standard, making it very easy for the back-end agent heuristics to gather meaningful semantic information. Thus, another network is created in addition to the spider-agent network, adding a kind of synergy on top of the system.

Semantic Web


See more links on the semantic web at the bottom of this post. Thanks!

Step Three: Build a Network of Spider-Agent Programs that Learn From Each other

Make the Agents highly cooperative with dynamic service oriented architecture hybrids. The interfaces will need to evolve/adapt/be designed with interfaces that are highly cooperative. At first, the initial agents may interact with a handful of trusted sites, but later there may be thousands, millions, or a billion. Some agents will evolve specialties, others may be more generalist, others may evolve into a kind of middlemen. Still others may act as a kind of immune system or private security guards. There may even be a “queen” agent that produces offspring.

A single human may own several cooperating agents, use self selecting techniques or breeding techniques to mate the programs. Some of these agents may simply be clones to allow faster searching, others may be specialists of one type or another. This process may lead to venturing out into the community of networks of trusted sites. As with biological systems, too much inbreeding may lead down a bad path or at the very least limited imagination. Progress is on the order of linear. On the other hand, cooperation leads to something beyond simple exponential growth. Ideas bounce back and forth, agents “breed” with a larger pool of ideas. With “breeding” to be taken literally with genetic programming techniques, metaphorically with human interaction – quite naturally with new ideas added into the mix, or more likely a combination.

Hopefully, researchers with advanced knowledge in the various fields I am mentioning here will cooperate with this effort and contribute by adding interfaces to their own projects. Presumably, they would be able to retain an isolated version of their research projects. If done carefully, the research community and the public at large would stand to benefit. Imagine using such a system for research on virtually any topic – be it scientific, music, philosophy, or pure entertainment!

The Facade pattern may be used as the interface, providing services. The services may include providing entire classes or class sets (Java perhaps) that will have a function another agent requests. In addition, each web site will provide XML tags. Interfaces will need to be standardized in such a way that the methods may be discovered and queried.

They (network of hybrid cooperating spider agents) may start off sticking to single topics and spread to new topics over time. For example, a new type world wide dictionary may result from an initial effort. PC owner may dedicate their off time to such a venture in a manner similar to the SETI effort. The network of agents involved may actually start understanding words, or at least act as if they do. Such a project may end up branching off into many useful areas including better automated phone systems, better GPS and Music units in the car, better machine patient interfaces to help in the care of the elderly, all kinds of fun toys, games, and gadgets. An efficient, mobile Multi-lingual translator may result. Imagine your smart phone with instant access to word phrases translated to any language for you (spoken or text or both). Suppose each agent were connected to a semantic “dictionary” of only 10,000 words and phrase, but there were 1,000,000 such agents all cooperating on a high-speed network. Each agent’s home base would included its own competing heuristics, neural network, and genetic algorithms. Eventually, the best of these systems would survive, while poor one would die out, be replaced, or evolve into even better systems.

Currently, a single Neural Network on a single application are often limited to a hundred or so artificial neurons each. Imagine one million agents cooperating with one another, having several connections (artificial synapses) to each other.

Some agents may evolve entirely through artificial selection using genetic algorithm techniques (with fitness functions). Others may have Intelligent Design (unlike natural selection which contains no ID, but took billions of years to get to where we are today – we do not want to wait that long) aspects about them where its owner adds in top down heuristics. Still others may be hybrids of the two with additional features such as fuzzy logic.

In each step, positive results are reported back to your spider program and the program adds a plus 1 to its database. Negative results are given a negative 1 response.

Once step three is achieved, then your agent could search other agents for similar searches or questions, check their given weights and use these weights as a means of finding the most likely results.

Agents with the best responses to the types of questions a person may ask could be linked to the owners agent and replicated for use on that person’s computer or computer network. Owners may choose to retrieve personalities from cooperative agents. Perhaps a Ramona-like Avatar would be added into the mix, or one that plays chess or other games, or both!

Agent programs could be standardized in such a way that modules could readily be replicated. A person’s agent would automatically select the fittest algorithms. The algorithms will evolve “naturally” using various fitness functions. The fitness functions themselves can be shared and distributed. Human augmentation would be encouraged.

Example Scenario

Suppose an individual had a tendency to ask questions about Friday evening flights from LAX to Portland, enjoyed playing chess, had an arm-chair interest in nanotechnology, wanted the latest iPhone apps, enjoyed Aaron Copland, Mozart, and Bob Dylan, and enjoys images of fractals and exotically clad young women.

First, let’s examine the flight information in more detail. After several runs, this person’s agent would come come to find out the following:

The owner prefers American Airlines over Alaska, unless the difference in price is $20 more for AA than Alaska (suppose the owner has frequent flier mileage). If the flights are booked at least 2 weeks in advance, then the owner gets the seats he wants at a reasonable price. The agent got this way on its own.

Another owner’s agent discovers this agent while searching for the same information. It requests, the data plus any modifications to the algorithm search order from your agent. It turns out that the results are pretty good for the other owner, except this person prefers Alaska airlines. The adjustments are quickly made by the second agent. Its modified rules are made public.

A third agent with similar requirements finds both of these interfaces along with Goggled information from Delta airlines. Its owner likes the cheapest prices regardless of airlines, so the agent grabs the information from the first agent regarding strategy for better prices and applies them to a more general algorithm for its master’s purposes.

Suppose information was shared among all of the agents as to how often positive results were obtained directly from each agent. Weights could be added to each agent regarding this information.

As new information is added, new standard XML tags could be added into the mix and distributed. At first, there may be very few tags, such as the standard information given by all airlines including names, flight number, pricing information, and so one. Pricing information may be the most dynamic, with flight times coming in second and so on. The information does not have to be a direct, static value, but could serve as a pointer (a URL for example).

Over time, some agents, or pools of agents, will become robust, generalized intelligent bots able to respond to more and more questions, play chess, research nanotechnology, and more simply by linking into areas of interest by tags. Tags themselves will evolve to have both general and specific qualities about them.

Context switching agents may evolve, so that topics may change seamlessly and efficiently. Context-switching capabilities is one of the goals of the back end of the spider-agent hybrid system. It needs to be highly modular, with a well-designed object oriented architecture, so that new versions can easily be swapped in

Efficient data trails may be created in a manner similar to an ant colonie’s chemical trails to the best food sources (swarm intelligence is but one example). Trails with the highest weights are followed, but with a twist – the weights need to have semantic context. The agents are usually looking for specific types of information for their owners, although sometime they may be hunting down better algorithms or better heuristics for their own purpose. If an agent does better and improves itself, it will have a tendency to survive to the next generation, therefore this incentive ought to be build into its program(s). It should “want” to survive and have its algorithm cloned or its genes replicated, but only if it improves the colony (only if the owner’s agents will improve as a result). The “food” is whatever data or information the owner likes. To survive, the agent must improve the overall quality of this food for its owner.

The entire Internet may someday evolve into an artificial super-organisms, from the bottom up and from the top down. Humans are still permitted to create new ideas from scratch and add new ideas into the mix to speed up the process and at the same time the agents themselves will share and swap data and algorithms. In the long term, this approach may be more successful than any of the relatively isolated AI projects to data.

Negative intruder spiders will require a defense system of agents (an immune system). What does not kill the system will make it stronger! Competing systems will surely evolve.

Powerset Symantic Web Searching

Artificial Intelligence

The Emotion Machine – Minsky

Ant Algorithms

Fuzzy Tutorial

Fuzzy Logic

Free Will and AI forum posting (if you here from there and want to return ….

Note: this posting is subject to multiple revisions as are all posts, stories and music on this blog site.

Author: David Saxton Ullery

© All rights reserved, with the exceptions given on the home page. In short, feel free to use this material in any public URL with “.com”, or “.edu” domains for non-profit purposes. Please link back to whatever you reference.

Consider cooperation for a greater gain over theft for short-term smaller gain. If you have good ideas share them using links, comments, original ideas. Make us all wealthy …. thanks!

Jonathan: “Hello, my name is Jonathan, and I am a young-earth atheist.”

Suzy: “What do you mean?”

Jonathan: “I believe the Earth is five point seven thousand years old, but I do not believe in a personal or theistic god or gods. Not any sort of god really.”

Suzy: “What do you mean?”

Jonathan: “In the beginning, the earth formed itself through natural processes that are yet to be completely determined; although scientists have some good ideas about much of it, and much research is being done. Then, the animals all appeared out of the earth, including humans; except the first humans were a tiny-bit ape like in the beginning, for the first century or so. All of this can be explained without any need for an intervening agency.”

Suzy: “Explain more please.”

Jonathan: “The first ape-men, pre-humans migrated from China to Greece, where Plato was born. Plato started a rumor that a man named Homer wrote a book called The Iliad and another called The Odyssey. Those ape-men who stayed put, slowly evolved into Chinese and other Asians. An unknown man from somewhere in China made up stories about an ancient man named Confucius.

The rest is history. For example, Alexander the Great was of course a real man, as were  Julias Cesar, Richard Nixon, and  Jesus.”

Jonathan gazed into Suzy’s eyes and she melted. She did not understand everything Jonathan was explaining to her, but she knew he must be very intelligent – perhaps he was a genius.  After all, he knew so much about Plato and Confucius.

He seemed to know so much about absolutely everything! Besides, she thought to herself, look at those dreamy eyes and big, strong hands! His voice was so pleasant too, she realized and openly smiled at him.

Suzy made love to Jonathan that night. Eventually, Suzy and Jonathan got married and had eleven children together – seven girls, three boys, and an unusual apeish-faced,  hermaphrodite name Abraham Gail was the youngest.

Suzy decided not to bare any more children just shortly after beholding Abegale. Abe-Gale was the nickname that everyone called “it”; except for the youngest brother Josh, who called it Hermy when no one else was around – this always caused Abraham Gail to laugh in a weird high-pitched nervous laugh, followed by a queer looking grin-frown.

Jonathan did not seem to care one way or another about having more children.  He neither loved nor hated any of his children really.  He was always so busy “getting ready” for his classes.  Jonathan taught a history class at the local community college and pretended to always be busy preparing for the next week’s lectures. He would lock himself in his office each evening, but he never would discuss what activities he did there.

Jonathan always owned the very latest high-tech laptop.  The computer’s screen was ultra thin, detachable, with hi-resolution.  The screen was not always utilized away from the office, since it had projection capabilities built into the main unit.  His newest laptop had a small quantum processor built in, along with a grid of  thousands of nanoprocessors that seemed to do that job very well. Without the screen, the device was fairly small, and could be detached and stored inside two vest pockets, if desired. One thin pocket for the power supply and one for the device itself.

He owned the latest true-surround-sound, noise canceling, yet tiny,  and wireless headphones that formed a seal around the outer curve of each ear when worn.    Jonathan had a second and third pair for any “guests” that may come into his office.

Included in his office were the very latest multiple ultra-high-definition cameras that were mounted all over the office room and barely visible to the human eye.  Each camera contained a processor within it and would cancel itself  out from the other cameras, so that they did not appear in any images or videos taken from within the room.  The cameras were tiny.  High-definition, three-dimensional imaging was possible with this arrangement, and Jonathan did occasionally show this off to his family.

No one outside of the family was ever permitted to see Abegale, so Abegale spent a great deal of its time reading books in the dimly-lit basement and surfing the Internet – with good two or three-year-old workstations discarded into the basement by father. Abraham Gail had learned to read adult-level books by age three and enjoyed being by “herself” most of the day (Abraham Gale looked “boyish”, was rather chubby, and yet preferred wearing pink colored, feminine clothing). Abegale especially enjoyed reading and learning all about the sciences of cosmology, biology, chemistry, and nuclear energy.

Abegale loved networking the old dicarded workstations together to create very powerful machines.  After many years, as an early teen, she had networked five of her father’s old machines with eleven others from her sibling and mom’s old machines.  She managed to get free time sharing on hundreds of other machines while they were not in use.

Abegale grew up very quickly to become a great, albeit secretive self-made scientist. Abegale invented a time machine that made use of certain network looping within a cluster of quantum processors and utilizing complex self-modifying software code. Abegale entered the time machine when she turned 17;  going back five point seven thousand years in time. Abegale took cells from each sibling, from skin cells she discovered on her pink poodle skirt that had just been returned from the dry cleaners on the thirteenth, and from several (seventeen) animals before departing. No one ever saw Abegale nor the machine ever again.

In time, even Abraham Gail’s own mother, father, and siblings had mostly forgotten about their youngest sibling. From time-to-time, Josh would whisper a rhyme he had long ago made up about Hermy

Hermy the Gale, looks like a male whale…

….but even that was forgotten by Josh by the time he left home.

Young, eleven-year-old Jacobal Lectomen set the still crude Child’s Toy prototype down and the story abruptly came to a halt. However, Jacobal accidentally started up the music mode (the controls were still not optimally designed for the boy’s young hands).

Suddenly music began playing in his head. Startled by the unexpected, high-decibel event, Jacobal’s heart momentarily raced due to a brief and minor adrenaline rush:


D ‘n A Mutations I 12:07

{Opens in a different window or tab so you can listen and continue reading}


The exhilarated Jacobal mentalmarked to the toy’s lead engineer Francis:


Very impressive intelligent toy for an alpha version, but obviously it needs work! The story is a bit odd for a young child and I can see how some parents may take offense if they misunderstand or take the story out of context. I am not sure they will like it or pick up on the irony. It did make me laugh though! 🙂 Perhaps you can find a way to adjust the levels for the owner’s age?

The devise seems better at music and poetry. Perhaps you can leave out the story-telling with the first release.

I nearly had a heart attack when I set the thing down. Music started playing in my head (presumably it has the standard wireless protocols). It should not play anything until the users makes the request! I do like the fact that it does not require headphones, assuming you have reasonable head gear implants – which everybody over seven has – hmm, except for those kooky Luddite kids of course, and kids whose parents can’t afford this type of toy in the first place.

On the other hand, the music is interesting, but needs a little work in the transitions, it is a little long, and it ends oddly. I appreciate the DNA pun in the title, given that the music is mostly “played” in various D and A scales and that the music gradually changes over time. It never ceases to amaze me that machines can create music, stories and poetry – all from scratch (all be it still a bit too crudely for my taste).

The interface is still not working for me. It would be really cool if your partners could come up with a way to economically improve the interface so that it neatly fits anyone’s hands as soon as they pick it up. I have seen that there are some newer and better techniques for doing just that- I read something about it in the SciNet News site, but I did not get a chance to view the technical details on it.

When do you think you will have these bugs fixed for me to try again? It’s cool being a beta tester. I love this new technology! I want to work with artificial systems like you when I finish up school … if I can ever get myself motivated to study … heehaw


Francis responded after a few moments:


Great feedback – as always. Please let us know if you have anything else to add. Do you know if you pressed any keys before the music started? I have never seen that happen before.

For your efforts, we will continue to send you more free stuff to play with. Remember not to show anyone these prototypes. Spies are everywhere 😉 Some of our competitors hire kids like you to spy on us…Seems that everybody is doing that these days … take care good buddy…oh, and we deposited your bonus today, for your previous excellent “work”, into the account you sent us.


Related post not listed in the menu:



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What will we do, if the power goes out, and there’s no ice cream in the freezer?

What will we see, in the middle of the night, if the light slows down just a tad?

Will time stand still, will the lengths all shrink, or will the ice cream suddenly appear?

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6. Blue Dog

By David Saxton Ullery

Performed By: David Saxton Ullery on Roland JV-30 Synthesizer

for: Upgrade 01A, Child’s Toy

↑ 02:39 ↓

<◊→Blue Dog←◊><<click>

Blue Dog TRK 7 ↑All Tracks↑

I was walking down the street,

Just me an my blue dog

bada chaa!!!

I was thinking about my life,

Thinking about my wife,

bada cha, bada chaa!!!

I was thinking about getting a cup of java,

And Reading a book later,

Maybe I will do just that,

bada cha bada chaa!!!

Wish there was more live stuff goin’ on right now,

Wanna here some jazzzzzz.

Wanna here a beatnik poet speak his mind,

but say something that sounds so hip, Yeah!

He should say something with Universal appeal,

so we can all agree, and just relax man

Wanna hear something cool from a tall stand-up bass,

Want the guy to be wearing shades and a cool hipster hat,

His chick with the long, blond straight hair,

Just sitting at the nearby table, snappin’ her fingers to the beat,

Yeah! Bada chaaaaa!

Wanna have a cup of coffee.

Just relax and read my book,

Forget about the beatnik,

‘Cause he just ain’t there.

No big deal,

’cause I am still here.

bada cha, bada chaaaaaaaa!!!

Blue Dog

The Blue Dog Cafe,

Went there just the other night,

It was in the back of my mind,

It was out of your site,

First there was the blues bass player,

Followed by the electric jazz guitar…

…with an electric key board following note by note

The cool sax man came in…

…with the soft brush man and his sticks…

I swear I could smell the hint…

…of a cool jazz cigarette,

wafting its way through the cafe,

Whilst I sipped on my quad capachino

Right at the last note …

…I woke up!

Better believe it daddio!


Bada chaaaaa!

© All rights reserved, with the exceptions given on the home page. In short, feel free to use this material in any public URL with “.com”, or “.edu” domains for non-profit purposes. Please link back to whatever you reference.


2022, 15 Years From Now

  • Memes will continue to dominate humankind.
  • Humans will continue to slavishly make copies of the memes onto larger and larger storage devices.
  • Nanotube jokes will become extremely popular. “Is that a nanotube in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”
  • The Philippines will become essentially one giant internet cafe filled with unemployable single moms infected with the god::jesus::catholic memeplex.
  • The will become the most famous blog in the history of the world and its creator will become the world’s first trillionaire.


Key points to discuss and consider. Please feel free to make an electronic copy for future reference:

1. Humans will continue to slavishly make copies of the memes onto larger and larger storage devices.
2. The will become the most famous blog in the history of the world and its creator will become the world’s first trillionaire.




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Telepathy Verses Cell Phones

Why are some people so interested in telepathy? We already have cell phones and they work fine for just about everybody. If telepathy works (which I doubt), then only very few people can make use of it anyway, and even those people more than likely have cell phones of their own so they can contact their friends that do not have telepathic abilities!

Suppose scientists discover telepathy is real. Chances are pretty good that the telepathic signals are normally very weak, otherwise they would be much easier to detect and telepathy would have been both discovered and confirmed by now. This means, for the general public to take advantage of telepathy, they will more than likely need to purchase some sort of telepathic amplifier gadget from AT&T, Apple (the iPathy?), or some other company, and the service will probably be more expensive and less reliable than ordinary cell phone service.

Meanwhile, there is already much research in neuroscience on devices that work with thoughts alone. For example, there is a paralyzed man who uses thoughts to move a cursor. In other ten or twenty years, perhaps everyone will be able to use their thoughts to activate wireless communication devices, including cellular or other technology. We could even be sending mentalmarks to other people within the next couple decades.

It almost seems like there is some sort of bias by many spiritual people against electromagnetic waves, ordinary energy and ordinary matter and in favor of so-called supernatural forces or objects. This bias does not make any sense. Suppose God really does exist (which I doubt), then surely God created electromagnetic waves, atoms and all the rest. If God created telepathic energy, where is the evidence that it is something God favors over everything else? If God exists and made everything, why did he make ordinary matter so much more obvious to us than all the so-called spiritual or supernatural stuff? Why belittle stuff that God made so obvious? Why do some spiritual people assume that any supernatural forces exist even if it is true that God exists? If supernatural forces do exist, for what reason is there to believe that these forces are superior to any of the natural forces that we already know exist in the ordinary material world?

I personally think atoms and rest of the material stuff we observe in our universe is extremely amazing and wondrous. We ought to enjoy the world that we are living in right at the moment! We should enjoy all that we can see, hear, taste, touch, and smell with our five ordinary, natural senses.

If supernatural objects or forces do exist, there is no reason to believe they are especially important or useful either to humans or to God. If God exists, perhaps he, she, or it is made up of ordinary atoms or ordinary energy or both. Perhaps the supernatural stuff is the wasteful toxic bi-product of the Creation and that is why God keeps it hidden from us in the first place. Furthermore, the iPathy device, if it ever exists (which I doubt), will probably turn out to cause brain cancer, mental retardation, or worse!


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Every person, no matter what their opinion is, consistently follows the laws of nature, whatever those laws turn out to be. At this fundamental level, we are all consistent. We all must follow the laws of physics (or nature), because we have no choice – whatever nature is, we are a part of it. We just don’t know what those laws are.

In my opinion (at the time of this posting at least), the Universe and everything in it, including all the people living in it, are made up of matter, energy, and within the framework of causeless spacetime, where a state of nothingness probably never existed. There are many possibilities of “true reality” that fall within this general theme. This view may be considered as a Materialists point-of-view (if one is permitted to include in this definition energy, space and time are a part of the overall fabric), but the term “materialist” can be misleading (it does not mean that I value material possession over love of my family, or that I believe everything is made up of very tiny little pebble-like bits). In any case, it is my considered opinion that what we think of as atoms and sub-atomic particles are highly underrated and under appreciated by the majority of my fellow humans.

Still other people have multiple variations on the opinions or belief that there is another, supernatural aspect to life and the cosmos that somehow exists outside of nature.

Many people hold beliefs that on the one hand embrace the more-or-less materialist viewpoint, but to some degree hold onto the Dualist point-of-view. They hold onto a kind of middle ground, if you will, between the realm of the spiritual and the material. Usually this middle ground involves a spirit or soul that somehow effects human beings and possibly all living things, but not inanimate objects.

Not all of these opinions can be correct. Some people may not agree with the statement just previous to this sentence.

Regardless of where the ultimate truth may be (I was tempted to say use the term “lie” here instead of “be” but decided against it), it seems to me that there must be a single, underlying foundation, a single law or set of laws that can describe the entire universe, even if we never fully understand what those laws may be. Of course, those that believe that each of us make our own reality will not agree with the me on this point. If the laws are never discovered, does it follow that the laws do not actually exist and is this merely an argument over semantics?

If the current understanding of the laws of the Universe can be bent or changed, or in some way altered, then we have yet to discover the fundamental laws. The laws that are altered, must not be the entire story. It may be the case that the fundamental laws can never be discovered by humans, but we should never give up trying.

By “The Universe”, in this context, I very roughly mean that part of the Universe that most physicists believe to be about 13.7 billion years old and is commonly believed to have “started” with a big bang (probably much bigger than the Hubble Volume, but no one knows for sure). Explaining what I mean here is but one example of where talking about “beliefs” can rapidly become very fuzzy and difficult to accurately discuss. The meanings of many words are ambiguous. The everyday use or missuse of words tends to increase the ambiguity of words (Is there such a thing as language entropy and does my very reference to the word entropy in this metaphorical context further contribute to it?). 

Our “understanding” of what the Universe “is” is even more ambiguous, given that the nature of science itself is a dynamic process, and there are various competing theories, none of which are completely worked out. Most people (and I include myself) do not understand much beyond the high-level concepts described to us by scientists (and most of us can forget about ever understanding the mathematics involved) to really understand any of the details. On the other hand, I think that those that side with the Supernatural camp have much much bigger hurdles to cross, and they must admit that they at least have hurdles of similar magnitude.

Perhaps we can all learn from each other, and try to find the positive aspects of the opinions of others. Everyone’s opinions (or set of beliefs, or worldview) must be based, at least in part (even if the Dualist point-of-view turn out to be correct), on their previous experiences, and ultimately the initial state of their entire set of atoms and energy, and the state of all their surrounding atoms. At least to a certain extent, people really cannot help what they believe. Furthermore, natural human language has far too many ambiguities built into it to for any lay person to fully and completely describe their beliefs accurately to another human being.

To make matters worse, I would wager that most or all people would have a difficult time explaining their own beliefs to themselves in a completely consistent, non-dynamic way that does not drift at least a little bit from day to day and from one emotional state to another. We each think we know what our beliefs are, but when we delve deeper into our own thoughts we run into inconsistencies, ambiguities, doubts, and other forms of uncertainties. We change our minds in subtle ways that we may not always be consciously aware of.

When we are sad or frustrated about our own life, we may begin to doubt some of our own beliefs. When we are on top of the world, and everything is going our way, we are often so certain that we know what we are doing. Even those that have dogmatic beliefs (as seen from the outside by the rest of us) and can recite their beliefs word for word from one book or another, or perhaps from memorization will inevitably run into ambiguities in the very words they speak. They will realize (or they should realize) that they do not understand everything they utter or think or pray with one hundred percent understanding.

I was just lucky enough that “my” particles, or rather my patterns (life is more like a process than a thing) collided with other particles in such a way that my opinion turned out to be the more or less correct one! I can’t help it if I’m lucky! I cannot help it if I think that I know that I am mostly right, at least in the bare-boned essential fundamentals. You probably feel the same way about your opinions. You think that you know that you must essentially be correct about what you consider to be important. Of course, you and I are probably wrong about many of our personal beliefs. There is a good chance that we both are missing more than a few important details about the reality of this Universe. You probably believe know a few facts that I do not know and some of those facts may be important insights that I am missing. On the other hand, you are most likely missing bits of information that, if you knew them, might alter your view of this world in some very radical ways.

As an example, most people are in denial about how much their own political opinions have changed over time.

As another example, most people are in denial about how much their personal viewpoints have changed after they fall in love. Compromises inevitably take place. New ideas and concepts are learned from your partner. We fail to see flaws in the person we fall in love with. That is a part of the nature of falling in love. Many (or most? or all?) people had doubts about the existence of the kind of love they experience only after falling in love (which is of course at least somewhat different than the love we feel for our siblings, which is different than the love we feel for our parents, and the love we feel for our neighbors, our friends, and chocolate). Most people do not want to make love to a piece of chocolate or to their parents, for example.

Beware, here comes a tangential point (or is it a fuzzy wave? or both?):

I could not resist creating this post. Of course, I created this post because I wanted to create this post, but I did not create it on my own free will in the traditional sense. If free will did exist, that would imply that I could choose to do something other than what I want to do.

I am certain that other’s do not agree with this post. I am reasonably certain that my opinion and understanding of the world has already and will continue to change over spacetime. I am certain that my opinions are not made very concise or clear in this post. I have changed this post several times already today, and it is still not written down to my complete satisfaction. New ideas and variations on ideas keep popping into my consciousness.

I believe that story telling is one good way that people can learn new ideas, explore beliefs, and be entertained at the same spacetime.

Using logic and rational discussion is another way, but consider the following bit of simple logic:

A is A.

In one sense the above statement is true. It is the Law of Identity first described by Aristotle and seemed to be one of Ayn Rand’s favorite statements. However, the moment we try to apply this simple bit of logic to any entity in the real world, even for this most simple fundamental truth in logic, it does not absolutely apply in all instances.

Here is a silly example of what I am (not) talking about, but it does give a point of how confusing even simple concepts can become misunderstood: In the real world, that first “A” exists several pixels to the left of the second “A”. The statement “A is A” above is located on your computer screen at time X, while the same sentence is located on my computer screen at time “Y” (and it looks different inside the editor than it does to me when I save and post again).

Suppose instead, as was presumably intended by both Aristotle and Ayn Rand, we take “A” to represent an entity. In that case, the second “A” can be said to represent the same entity as the first “A”. However, in the real world, both the laws of thermodynamics apply and time exists. Real entities change over time. In the real world entities do not have precise edges on them, even if we discount quantum theory. Atoms constantly break away from the outside edges of physical, material entities. Electrons move around, jump from one atom over to another, absorbing light that came from other places, both from outside and inside of the entity.

Suppose we take the word “is” to apply to entity “A” in a single instance of time. In the real world we cannot freeze time at a single instant.

Suppose we could freeze time at a single instant, and the variable “A” represented the single musical note “A” (at 440 cycles per second). In this case, the note would vanish, since frequency implies time.

Instead, let us suppose that “is” is taken to mean “to exist”. If I play A-440 on my piano, by the time I tell you about this note, it will have faded away. What is meant by “to exist”? Does a musical note traveling through the air exist in the same sense that a solid rock exists?

If “A” stands for “apple” and I tell you “this apple is delicious”, that could mean that I ate the apple and found it to be delicious, or that I ate a similar apple, perhaps from the same batch of apples at the store. It does not mean that “apple” and “delicious” are two words for the same entity. It does not mean that all apples are delicious. Yet I said:

apple is delicious.

In this sense of “is” we do not mean equality, but we mean that a particular entity (an apple) as a specific attribute (delicious). It gets even more complex, because the attribute “delicious” is subjective. It is a matter of opinion.

Furthermore, your tongue may have superior taste buds to mine, or your neurons in the taste sensory section of your brain may have superior synaptic connections, and you may sense a bit of bitterness in the apple. Your sensors came up with a different answer.

If I did take a bite out of the apple to determine that the apple is delicious, the apple is no longer a whole apple anymore.

I dare say that the most experienced logician will have a difficult time explaining to a layperson (and perhaps to their selves) how and when or if logic every really does apply to the real world. Is logic merely to be taken as an academic subject, as a kind of model of the real world? Is the real world logical? Is logic logical?

Everybody misunderstands everybody else to at least some degree. Even the best of philosophers have changed their own minds over time. Whenever a person learns more about the nature of his or her world, that person will change in subtle or not so subtle ways. Even mathematicians do not agree completely on what mathematics is?

I do not mean to imply that life is meaningless. And please do not take my one remark about mathematics, or my statements about logic or science out of context. It is my opinion that science with math, logic and rational thought are the best and most effective ways of discovering the truth about the universe around us.

On the other hand, “truth” is not the only game in town worth pursuing. What is “true” or “false” about music, art, poetry, literature, or love? Is the music of Bach “true” and the music of Miles Davis “false”? I don’t think so. Perhaps religion is like music or art for some people. A lot of people probably enjoy a nice religious service.

Perhaps my previous statements about music are somehow wrong or misguided, or perhaps a particular musicologist has an opinion that I am somehow not understanding or listening to music properly in some respect, and if I would only learn what music was all about I would understand that my taste for music was poor and silly and stupid. On the other hand, perhaps the musicologist does not understand properly how the musical notes of a piece of music stimulated a set of neurons in such as way as to cause a cascade chemical reactions that resulted in part of the pleasure zone in my brain to light up making me feel good.

What I am arguing is that we should listen to one another and not use violence against those that do not agree with our own point-of-view. I prefer having the freedom to decide what the meaning of life is for myself. Is it not written the you choose your own path? (now it is written)

Live and let live. If your beliefs lead you to think about flying an airplane into a building full of innocent beings is good, or that dropping bombs on innocent people, in the desperate hope of perhaps killing some of your enemies is just, please take another look at your beliefs. I was hoping this post will get you to change your mind.

Avoid becoming dogmatic in your beliefs, whatever they may be. Consider the possibility that you have no idea what you are talking about. Consider the possibility that people you look up to admire, and respect are perhaps even more confused and misguided than you are. Consider the possibility that much of what you believe is essentially correct, but that you are mistaken in some areas where you might least expect.

Belief in Einstein’s equations did not cause lunatics to fly an airplane into an office building, but neither did belief in Mohamed’s philosophy make the atom bomb possible. Stalin was an atheist, but Adolf Hitler was religious. Terrorism is evil, but so is a misguided foreign policy.

Blaming 9/11 only on religion, without considering the political and the economic components, as some prominent scientists and philosophers seem have recently done (some that I admire and respect in many other regards, and as a fellow atheist, at times I find myself sympathizing with their points about religion and do not completely disagree them on this matter – I am referring to Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, Sam Harris, and Christopher Hitchens ), makes little or no more sense than blaming the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima completely on Albert Einstein. Such thinking can lead to dangerous ideas.

It was Albert Einstein who persuaded Roosevelt that the atomic bomb was not only possible, but that the Nazis were developing one. Einstein later regretted sending that letter to the president. My feeling on the 9/11 terrorist situation is that Ron Paul, a Christian, has a much more clear understanding of foreign affairs and American foreign policy than any of the above mentioned atheist, scientist, or philosophers. Although I do admire and respect their work and feel that have important comments to consider on this topic as well. If the pro-Iraq camp has a valid point, they certainly have not presented their case very clearly or accurately (see: this, for example – or this). Is it oil, or weapons of mass destruction, or terrorist, and how many innocent lives and how much tax payers money is justified in this fuzzy pursuit, and what about a Declaration of War, and on and on.

My opinions are definitely not 100% correct and your opinions are most certainly not 100% wrong. There is probably exactly one reality, but there are more than six billion perceptions of that reality. The scientific method is designed to be unbiased and self-correcting, but in practice, there will always be politics. Religious institutions promise hope and love, but often promote fear and death.

Science does not have all of the answers, but that does not imply that other institutions have any real answers to any questions. It may be true that science and religion are mutually exclusive, but that is not necessarily the case. No one knows for sure.

If truth is beauty and beauty is truth, then in that sense, music is beautiful can be true for me, a religious sermon may be beautiful and true for you, and a mathematical proof may be beautiful and true for another. Is one person’s pleasure center more true than anothers? Are you arguing with the laws of physics? The particles in your brain followed the same laws of physics that my brain followed.

At the moment, both the religious and the authoritarians have been a lot more successful at passing both their genes and their memes along than either the atheists and the libertarians. If you want to change someone’s opinion to be more in line with your own, then try to have a little empathy for how they got to where they are. Remember how lucky you are that your particles and patterns happened to collide in just the right ways to give you your the intelligent, rational, and objective insight that you believe you have.



PhilosophyMonty Python style … I Kant understand it. It’s all Greek to me.


…but when you observe something, don’t you have to shine light “photons” on that something, so the electron would “know” it is being observed, right?






The Dawkins Delusion


Beyond Uncertainty


Climate Catastrophe Cancelled


Why Do Atheists Care About Religion?


Peace Train

Lovely song, but on the other hand:

… but is that really how he feels (and do people change over time?),2933,237698,00.html?sPage=fnc.entertainment/music


Morning Has Broken


Bach – Glenn Gould talks about Art of fugue



Wayne Dyer: Power of Intention … some of this sounds nice

It’s nice to have an optimistic outlook on life, but doesn’t luck have something to do with it? Do the children starving in Africa not “intend” or “think positive thoughts” hard enough? …. Does Quantum theory really say anything about macroscopic objects?

field guide to quackery


George Carlin on Religion


The Sistine Chapel


Bach – Matthaus Passion – 52. Aria A – Koennen Traenen meine

Was Bach thinking of the bad bits of the Bible when he wrote this? I doubt it.


Not Exactly God Videos

… but Christians are not praying with the hateful side of the Bible on their minds are they? Aren’t they mostly pretty nice people who want to help others? Answer: Some are and some are not.


I like much of what Ron Paul has to say… but he is a Christian and I am an Atheist…

I agree with Richard Dawkins that atheists in America should come out of the closet. He has written many wonderful books explaining evolution (I recommend “The Selfish Gene” and “The Blind Watchmaker“, but I think politically he is a bit too “left leaning” when it comes to centralized government, and government spending. Maybe I am wrong about that.



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There are two types of people in this world. (1) People who can type and (2) people who cannot type.

Let’s call them Type A and Tpe B

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I Was Hoping

By David Saxton Ullery

for: Upgrade 01A, Child’s Toy

I was hoping I could
count upon the
Fractals of our Nature
of our utter honesty between us

Love is beyond us
It lies between us

And it is all around the World
And there for the Universe

It is around us
Love grows between us

It flows among us all!

We can literally build
castles high
above the sky
all about the sky of Earth

I was hoping I could
rely upon the
love that I could
feel for you so magically

So magnificently?

As our Universe started
as but a single point?

We are dodgers in the
so we
are free
we are joyfully free

All shall be healthy wealthy and wise throughout

Let us go forth together
In freedom and in tolerance

And all march forward healthy wealthy and wise

I was loping on the
fort so long
My breath could only escape
As I feel so much better now

We where coping and should
mount upon the
traffic of our Nature
Of our fondness that’s between us

I was hoping we would
jazz upon the
frequency of time!

Just another frame of mind?

Note: Click on the links in the poem, or simply put your mouse over any link in the poem! For example: loping

You can watch Youtube links from within a “snapshot” and even control the volume. You can listen to the jazz while watching the “loping” and “frame of mind” Youtubes all within their respective snapshots, simply by playing them when the snapshot is highlighted. Have fun!

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