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Shame on those of you who support The War on Drugs. To be equivalent with the liberty that you would have taken away from those of us willing to try freedom out, you authoritarians would have 100% of your Federal Reserve Notes taken away, or your freedom of religion revoked.

Some of you support, and get farm subsidies, and continue to support outlawing the growing of hemp. I know most of you do not bother to read books, or bother to google, so I will explain to you that hemp is not a drug. It is useful for making many products that are greener than, and compete with many of your financial backers. It is because they are anti-free-trade; they hate the fact that people can just grow it, and make bio-degradable plastics, superior paper products, and durable clothing that they outlawed it to begin with. The first draft of the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper.

How dare you start whining about your precious freedoms being taken away by Obama. Many of you support anti-free-market, pro-group-rights, Corporations. This is especially evident in the local areas where your philosophy tends to be popular. Mall stores get local officials to regulate away competition. Many of you support the Military Industrial Complex at the Federal level.

You claim to care about life, but quickly dismiss the death of innocents as “collateral damage.” Those of you “Atlas Shrugged” fans should read from the author on her thoughts on how your “means” are another person’s “ends”, and cannot be justified, if you maintain the premise of individual liberty. Get it through your head that occupying another country, and not getting a formal declaration of war from Congress is anti-free-market, anti-life, and un-Constitutional.

You are not pro-life. Nobody can take you seriously, outside of your cult-like circle. Would the Jesus zombie grin and gloat after bin Ladin was killed? Would he love his enemy?

What about the collateral damage from all of the non wars? Is that what Jesus calls it when innocent lives are lost? Does he really want our foreign policy, even at the expense of his own teachings and the Constitution?

You are not pro-free-market. You are the enemy of freedom. You are the worst kind – wrapped in a bloody flag and carrying and bloody cross, while symbolically eating flesh and drinking blood. You are willing to tread on other people’s freedom for your own gain. You are gangsters and profiteers willing to fill the prisons with your freedom-loving enemies at the expense of going after those who commit rape, theft, and murder.

You are hypocrites of the worst kind. Many of you cherry-pick the Bill of Rights. You ignore “and to the people”, and are very selective when it comes to states rights. We should not be surprised by now, as cherry-picking is what you live by. No wonder sound bites are so effective.

Yes, many liberals do the equivalent. This letter is not to them. One fundamentalist right, does not make it okay, in order to have a “fair and balanced process.”. Remember that two “wrongs” don’t make a right. I am sure you have valid points about them, but muddled in with plenty of nonsense, no doubt, on your blogs.

Many of you are intellectually lazy, with an anti-science attitude. Of course Al Gore is a politician and cherry-picks his science, but ordinary people in your gang cherry-pick your favorite science fiction book, where a zombie, with super powers, comes back to life to save the people. That is the reason many of you support the anti-free-market practice of supporting Israel through Federal Government subsidies.

Some of You want to be nice to the Jews only so your terrorist god can kill them off for you in the end of days. There is simply no need to pick up a science book on “the selfish gene”, or “climate change.” So many of you remain willfully ignorant, when it comes to science, philosophy, the arts, and mathematics.

Some of you justify occupation in foreign lands and occupation of individual liberty at home for pure, irrationally, selfish purposes. What I should do is take every opportunity to tell your little kids sitting next to me at Starbucks that your mommy and daddy are lying to you about Santa, the Easter Bunny, God, and Jesus. They need to be liberated from your tyranny. You are occupying their little minds with rubbish.

You are insisting upon broadcasting your crazy, bronze-aged concepts, and then expect the rest of us to believe you when you tell us that you believe in limited government and States Rights.

Freedom is a new idea, that you plainly reject. You deserve to have your notes become worthless, because you are clearly a pack of insane, anti-free-trade, anti-freedom, authoritarians, living by standards that were created by ancient, bronze-aged men who were of course ignorant of modern science, or modern concepts of liberty.

You who gloat at bin Laden’s killing, then mumble and chant prayers about turning the other cheek on Sundays cannot be taken seriously.

You have proven time and time again that you cannot keep it in your own pants, when it comes to your authoritarian teachings. Your sick, immoral, faith-based thinking process ejaculates all over the rest of us.

Economic freedom is a good idea, for those of us who actually practice freedom. You whining cry babies deserve whatever happens to your wealth that you clearly care about.

Why should anybody listen to a bunch of whining, Johny-come-lately cry babies, just now crawling out of their rotting woodwork to complain about Obama?

Now, the Ron Paul and the libertarian wing – I am not talking about you as much, obviously. This Tea Partty group is perverted and distorting any ideas they can get from libertarians.

However, your zombie worshipping ways are worrisome. Fath-based thinking is dangerous. Yes, Gore does it too, as do liberals, and those in the middle.

We have respected your legal right to believe whatever crap you like, and regardless of the brainwashing. It’s a disgusting practice, but that is a part of the price of freedom. Isn’t it high time that you return the favor to those of us who are brave enough to actually attempt to practice being free for a very long time? The chief DEA officer, since Bush, and now under Obama wants to return to alcohol prohibition. We would have even more gangs, more drive-by shootings, and more people would die from drinking bad alcohol impurities. Once again, candidate Obama lied to those of us voters in California and around the country. Obama is not big on telling the truth, nor on supporting States rights.

I have no real beef with those of you who simply want to live a socially conservative lifestyle. Don’t tread on me and I will not tread on you. I am not asking you to apologize. I am telling you to legalize freedom! It is something that is to be taken by demand, when it is not offered, or even on the table to be considered. Only power shifting is ever truly discussed anymore. That is because authoritarians from all sides rule the day.

Written on iPhone app in Starbucks in Palos Verdes 🙂

The following messages were flowing through the young Jacobal’s mind while beta-testing the Child’s Toy (as described in the The Young Earth Atheist, located on this blog)

  • FED is the equal to paper money. Get rid of it and buy worthwhile. Use energy units or oil as a reference point instead of fiat.
  • Energy is 80 percent of everything when you add up all the parts, including the humans.
  • The Dark Ages will eventually end when man learns to live as a libertarian. There are a few civil people who are the true humans.
  • Buy or invest in the true.
  • Atlas Shrugged!

Jacobal* did not process these messages within his consciousness just before his planned visit to meet the unexpected

*see the science fiction stories.

I walked for about 6 miles today. Boy are my legs tired!

After 3 miles, I decided to rest for a while at an AA meeting before returning back to my apartment. That’s one meeting down, 23 to go.

Now all I have to do is find a counselor willing to type a letter, with professional heading on their paper. The hearing officer did not like the letter that was hand written on a piece of lined notebook paper…but, hey – That is what Portland is like!

I don’t really like the AA philosophy of giving ones life up to a Higher Power, so it will be tough for me to go 23 more times.

Actually I went to one other meeting, at a different location, before my hearing. At both places the people there seemed so depressed and they keep talking about a Higher Power.

I never should have poked that cop at the airport!  I do not think that cop-poking will ever catch on as a fad … do you?

Ironic – They call it battery of a police officer. Now I have to go to AA meetings.

No wonder they want me to believe in a higher power. I need to recharge my batteries.

(They way I figure it, I must have a total of 24 AA batteries inside me that need recharging – that’s one down, 23 to go. Once they are all recharged, that should give me the higher power they keep talking about).

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