Ron Paul is a sheep in wolf’s clothing – a follower of The Prince of Peace (not of purple rain), in a den of thieves, or the GOP. He is a statesman among professional politicians. A man of his word against men of words, designed by professionals, to get themselves elected.

Check it out on YouTube, then go google The Broken Window Fallacy, and continue on to Murry Rothbard on PDF and Ron Paul’s new plan on line in PDF.

I noticed that quite a few news articles that get blocked by a new kind of pop-up that cannot be closed from an iPhone, so I have to hunt for alternative news sources, after Googling Ron Paul on the news.

I can close these Obama ads from a laptop, but not my iPhone. Obama has a billion dollars to spend on his campaign. Ron Paul gets no lobby money. All of his money comes from the troops and other liberty-lovers.

Ron Paul has a new budget plan that makes a lot of sense and is available in PDF format.

All bills from the house are supposed to be the source of all money bills. It was never intended that Congress should lose control of that and hand it over to a private, central bank where Congress, the people, must borrow endlessly for perpetual war and out-of-control Keynesianism.

More military employees support Ron Paul than all other GOP candidates combined, and more than Obama. These facts may be checked, because their campaign contributions are open.

The USA government is factually broke, by definition. We cannot continue to support crony capitalism which is just another name for a gentle form of fascism, by definition. Others have called it a corporate oligarchy, but the corruption is clear, regardless of the label. A central plan, by any other name, still smells.

Ron Paul worked very hard to shine at least a partial light on the FED and it’s 15 trillion dollar secret.

It is actually Congress’s job to earmark every spending item. That is what is known as “transparency”, and it prevents the king from spending on endless pet projects or wars of his or her liking. The House, not the FED, is supposed to deal with matters of funding and monetary policy. The FED, if not eliminated, needs to be transparent, so that all holders of 1 or more dollars and all USA taxpayers know exactly how much is being created and where it flows to in each and every case.

We know that much about our public stock holdings, do we not? When your stock splits or doubles, don’t you get your fair share?

I hate my former boss Larry Ellison, but Obama does seem nice. However, Larry and company are fair with their ORCL shares, and Obama was misleading about the wars and the war on drugs. He is a US Citizen Assassin with little or no regard for the rule of law. Science teaches us that human intuition about the real world is unreliable. He expanded the war and authorized trillions of dollars of waste and debt.

Do the banks actually own all of the Federal Reserve Notes, and that is why they can always be certain that they can simply bail themselves out, and create more with another QE and secret loans?

Ron Paul predicted the housing bubble. Timing is difficult, because we can never be sure what the Central Planners will do next. Some day, groceries, insurance, medical care costs and gold prices will go through the roof.

The Soviet system was modeled after the US system, but the Central Planners were on steroids. The US system is now in free fall, but at a slower pace.

We may soon have Millions Standing Around or MSA at the malls to mirror the Thousands Standing Around and groping your penis at LAX and elsewhere. The LAX TSA needs to get rid of their Pervert Platoon of GED grads who live to humiliate and embarrass even if can cost a consultant his job, or put him in the psychiatrist office on short-term leave – those sick people!

Herman Cain-sian economics, is just Keynesian, with a dumb plan that is sure to be changed by Congress, and his FED buddies to a 11-13-17 plan – a stupid Keynesian idea with added pipelines of wealth transfer for the corporatists to split.

Read Ron Paul’s plan and let me know what you think. It is available in PDF.

Everyone should support Ron Paul, because he truly believes in liberty, and he is a very honest man.  Please go have a look at his voting record.  Compare his record to Obama or Perry, and you will see a big difference with consistency. 

There was the Obama peace candidate and then the Obama presidency.  Most people are already quite aware of this and other discrepancies between the candidate and the president.  Perry is already infamous for his ability to morph into whatever political animal that will get him elected.   Paul has a plan for peace and liberty.  Perry and Obama do not even have a plan for liberty.

If drones can run autonomously, then I would think that peace-loving humans ought to be permitted the same courtesy. Ron Paul is the only candidate who believes in, and has a plan for autonomous humans.  Isn’t it about time that we legalized liberty, and combined it with the synergy of peace and prosperity as well?

The employees of the mainstream media should get behind Ron Paul, because he supports the free market of ideas completely, and would help protect your liberty. There should be more jobs, because information is the key to successful liberty. I work in information technology, and see a great leap forward in the growth of not just data, but information. Data is useless, unless it can be converted back into useful information through all kinds of media. Not just TV, but the Internet as well. Information has value, regardless of how it is presented. People can freely compete to present the information in the best way possible.

I can imagine a day when I can just see through my glasses which media company or which consumer report-like agency approves of the company that I am about to consider walking into, in a shopping center mall. The best agencies will be the most accurate. People can make up their own mind. I would be interested in knowing which companys are carrying products that contain DNA that is genetically altered (fine), by a company that sues farmers when their DNA gets into their neighbor’s crops (not fine – pollution of neighbors crops, and a violation of their property rights, but supported by the mainstream. If anything, it should be the other way around, those dirty authoritarian-supporting lawyers and judges should be ashamed). Guess I will not be shopping there.

The cool thing is, that there are many more workers, than owners of the corporate oligarchy, and there are many useful jobs that are potentially out there, in a land of liberty, where people can freely trade ideas, goods, and services with each other.

Just bringing the troops home, will be a huge savings that peace lovers everywhere should enjoy.  The troops can spend their federal reserve notes here, and we can finally get a taste of that peace dividend that was promised to us after the cold war, but of course never delivered.  This will be the higest priority of the presedent, if we can get Ron Paul elected in 2012.

Ron Paul is the only Republican that I will vote for in the 2012 presidential election.

Ron Paul is a very strong Christian who is capable of separating his religious beliefs from his understanding of liberty, to a degree above the rest of his party. He is the only federal politician in DC who has consistently stood up for the Constitution and liberty.

Fortunately for Americans, Paul has managed to cherry-pick the libertarian aspects of Jesus out of the Bible, and recognizes the importance of liberty to the human individual.

I am not worried that he will slip into the murky waters of the deep, brown tea.

Dr. Paul has shown us that he can work with Barney Frank, whenever Frank falls on the side of liberty.

I would rather have 100% of my Federal Reserve Notes taxed, than to have Michele Bachman as our president. Social conservatives, like her are anti-liberty, and Johny-come-lately, whining, cry babies.

The deep, brown tea party is full of murky, dangerous ideas, right out of the bronze-age.

Ron Paul is in favor of a new idea called “liberty”, an idea that is not much older than Darwin. The experiment, is a political one, and therefore is imperfect, but would be self-correcting, if the authoritarians would stop interfering.

In order for the experiment of liberty to work, we need everybody to be permitted to own their bodies and the fruit of their labour.

The Constitution is the compromise! The authoritarians have proven to us time and again that they do not know what they are doing, when it comes to foreign or domestic policy. They have no plan or practice that defends liberty.

Ron Paul does not want to isolate any individual on the planet from any American. He wants individuals to freely trade with one another.

The authoritarians consider government intervention into other people’s business, in other countries is the proper way for civilized people to behave. It usually means activity involving the inevitable loss of innocent life, is how they prefer to deal with other people in this world.

The “isolationist” label is false and intentionally misleading. One can engage politically and economically with other nations without flying drones over their country and killing innocent children.

Politics is simply a word to express how humans interact with one another. We compromise and negotiate. War is a bronze-aged mentality mind set, with no notion of, or proper understanding of modern concepts of liberty, economics, science, the arts, and literature built in.

What happens when one country bombs and occupies another country? What happens when two countries do trade with each other? One answer is ” blow back”, and the other is “more friends and/or more wealth”. It is easy to see which answer goes with each question.

It is hard to think what it might be like for Americans to freely trade with our foreign friends. The corporate oligarchy, with the military industrial complex leading the way, but others not far behind, have formed agreements with the federal government, by lobbying Congress to exercise powers that give them favor over ordinary citizens. They are anti-liberty and anti-free-trade.

It is the pro-war folks who encourage isolation of ordinary Americans by barring them from freely trading with our good friends.

Some say that the purpose of government is to “protect us.” A more precise description is that the purpose of government is to defend our liberty. Each individual is responsible for, and is entitled to her own body and her own actions. The purpose of the federal government is not to stop people from making their own mistakes.

The present-day government of The United States is granted a monopoly on force, for the purpose of defending the liberty of the American people.

Instead, the Government abuses it’s powers beyond the intentions, as described by the Constitution, and beyond moral decency, by any modern standards or measurement.